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CoDIT 2022 : IEEE 8th 2022 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies | |||||||||||||
Link: https://codit2022.com | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
The 8th, 2022 International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technology, CoDIT'22 (will be held on May 17-20, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey) – Sponsored by IEEE and IFAC. --------------------------------------------------------------- Proceedings of all past editions of CoDIT are published through IEEE and indexed in: DBLP, Conference Proceedings Citation Index | Thomson Reuters, SCOPUS, Ei Compendex and IEEE. CoDIT is ranked as C-conference in CORE. --------------------------------------------------------------- CoDIT’22 will be held 17-20 May, 2022 at Istanbul, Turkey. Its purpose is to be a forum for technical exchange amongst scientists having interests in Control, Optimization, Decision, all areas of Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technologies. This conference will provide a remarkable opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to address new challenges, share solutions and discuss future research directions. The technical program will include plenary lectures, regular technical sessions, and special sessions. --------------------------------------------------------------- We are looking to organize focused special (or invited) sessions: The Special Session template is available here: https://codit2022.com/templates_CoDIT2022/Template_Special_Session_CODIT22.docx PUBLICATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Registered and Presented papers will be published by IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLANNED SPECIAL ISSUES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A selection of best extended presented papers from the CoDIT'22 conference will be planned for publication in special issues: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT DATES AND DEADLINES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special session Proposal: November 30, 2021 Papers submission deadline: January 07, 2022 Acceptance notification: March 04, 2022 Final version due: March 30, 2022 Registration deadline: March 30, 2022 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR INVITED/SPECIAL SESSIONS PROPOSALS ---------------------------------------------------- Invited and Special Session Organization is highly encouraged. The goal of these invited/special sessions is to provide a forum for focused discussions on new topics or innovative applications of established approaches. A invited/special session could address a particular theme or consist of work done in some particular international project. Sessions of similar topics may be proposed, if needed we will schedule them at different slots over the conference period. It gives us immense pleasure to invite you to organize focused special (or invited) sessions: http://codit2022.com/index.php/special-sessions Special session proposals must be related to the conference theme or especially hot topics within the conference scope. You must prepare a Call for the SS (with no predefined list of papers). You should make publicity and invite your colleagues to submit their papers directly to your session using the online submission process. Invited session proposals must contain the following information with a list of 5 or more invited papers: Invited Session Name Invited Session Description/Abstract Organizers Names, Contact Information A list of paper titles, author names, and corresponding author contact information --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMITTEES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Honorary co-Chairs: Okyay Kaynak, Boğaziçi University, Turkey Mengchu Zhou, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA General co-Chairs: Lale Canan Dülger, İzmir University of Economics, Turkey Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, University of Kansas, USA Enrique Herrera Viedma, University of Granada, Spain Program co-Chairs: Nizar Bouguila, Concordia University, Canada Maria Pia Fanti, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy Achraf Jabeur Telmoudi, University of Tunis, Tunisia Work in progress co-chairs: Marco C. Campi, University of Brescia, Italy Vilém Novák, University of Ostrava, Czech Republic Vincent Cocquempot, University of Lille, France Publication co-Chairs: Mariagrazia Dotoli, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy Nicholas Karampetakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Special Sessions co-Chairs: Joaquim Ferreira, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal Giuseppe Franzè, University of Calabria, Italy Duc Pham, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom Jianhua Zhang, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |