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ICPC 2022 : 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension


Conference Series : International Conference on Program Comprehension
When May 21, 2022 - May 22, 2022
Where Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Abstract Registration Due Jan 13, 2022
Submission Deadline Jan 18, 2022
Notification Due Mar 8, 2022
Final Version Due Mar 18, 2022

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC) is the premier venue for work in the area of software program comprehension. It encompasses human activities for comprehending the software as well as methodologies and technologies for supporting such comprehension.

The research track provides a quality forum for researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss new results in program comprehension. Topics of interest for all tracks include but are not limited to:

- Empirical evaluations of program comprehension tools, techniques, and approaches;
- Human aspects in program comprehension, including collaborative software engineering practices, gender considerations, information processing strategies, the role of emotions, and more;
- Cognitive theories for program comprehension accompanied by different empirical strategies, including experiments, surveys, and case studies;
- Topics at the intersection between program comprehension and programming education;
- Individual, collaborative, distributed, and global program comprehension;
- Novel visualization or summarization techniques and interfaces to support program comprehension, including searching, browsing, and analyzing;
- Comprehension of specific types of software systems, such as open/closed source, mobile applications, spreadsheets, web-based systems, legacy systems, product lines, libraries, multi-threaded applications, and systems of systems;
- Comprehension in the context of diverse software process models and specific lifecycle activities, such as: maintenance, evolution, re-engineering, migration, security, auditing, and testing;
- Comprehension of software artifacts ranging from requirements documents to test cases and crash logs; from API documentation to models, meta-models and model transformation; and from Stack Overflow questions & answers to GitHub code review messages or video tutorials - all software artifacts and formal or informal documentation that software developers encounter when creating or evolving software;
- Comprehension and legal issues, such as due diligence, intellectual property and licensing, reverse engineering, and litigation;
- Issues and case studies in the transfer of program comprehension technology to industry;
- Tool support for program comprehension.

A subset of the Research Track papers accepted for presentation at ICPC 2022 will be invited to be revised and extended for consideration in a thematic special issue of the Springer’s Empirical Software Engineering Journal (EMSE). The best papers of the conference will be also awarded with an IEEE/TCSE Distinguished Paper Award. In addition, ICPC 2022 will feature ICPC Honorable Mentions, special awards that will be assigned, on the basis of the program committee reports, to the papers that have applied extremely novel and/or outstanding research methods to the problem of interest.

More information:

Related Resources

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