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ICAASE 2022 : The 5th International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering | |||||||||||||||||
Link: https://www.univ-constantine2.dz/icaase2022/ | |||||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||||
ICAASE International Conference provides a forum where researchers, practitioners, and educators gather together to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and issues in the field of software engineering. The 5th Edition of the International Conference on Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering (ICAASE’22) will be held at Constantine 2 University, in September 17-18, 2022. This conference edition provides a platform for academicians, researchers, students, engineers as well as industrial professionals from all over the world to present their research results and development activities in the area of Advanced Aspects of Software Engineering. Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the areas of software engineering & applications. Furthermore, Ph.D. students are invited to share and discuss their research in a constructive environment which promotes the interaction with other Ph.D. students, and stimulates the exchange of experiences among participants. TOPICS OF INTEREST Submissions include, but are not limited to the following topics through four specific tracks : 1/ Software Engineering Requirements Engineering Software Architecture and Design Formal Methods QA&TEST Safety and Security Agile Software Development Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development Distributed and parallel software systems Embedded and real-time software systems Modern Programming Techniques Software Applications for I4.0 2/Computational Intelligence AI Techniques and Algorithms Algorithms and Protocols Big Data Natural and Arabic Language Processing Intelligent Human Computer Interaction 3/Computer Applications Systems of Systems Cyber-Physical Systems IoT and Cloud Computing Advanced Information Systems Blockchain Technology Web, Social Media and Computational Social Science 4/Doctoral Symposium The Doctoral Symposium Track is an international forum for Ph.D. students studying all areas related to the fields of the ICAASE2022 conference (see tracks 1-3 topics). We seek Ph.D. students who have determined the direction of their thesis research (probably with some preliminary results already published), but who still have substantial work to complete. Publication Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Special Issue The authors of the distinguished papers from ICAASE’22 conference will be invited to submit a revised and extended version of their paper to special issues of well indexed international journals. Submission Guidelines Submissions may be one of the following: Regular Papers (must not exceed 8 pages), representing completed and validated research. Short Papers (must not exceed 4 pages), presenting the Ph.D. research plan and progress, including the title of the paper and the author’s name, problem statement, motivations, and current progress. Contributions must have not been previously published, nor already submitted to other conferences/journals in parallel with this conference. Papers must be written in English and should be submitted electronically in PDF format through the Easychair system. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed; and they will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness and relevance. Each accepted paper must be presented at the conference; otherwise it will not be indexed and archived in website of ICAASE conferences. ICAASE 2022 Proceedings will be indexed by IEEE Digital Xplore. |