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SEB 2022 : 14th International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings


When Sep 16, 2022 - Sep 17, 2022
Where Split, Croatia
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    sustainability   environmental engineering   artificial intelligence   sustainable construction

Call For Papers

Part of KES duel themed conference Smart Sustainable Technologies which groups SDM 22 and SEB 22 at one venue. This conference is being planned as a hybrid event due to the effects of COVID-19. Delegates unable to travel due to the pandemic will be invited to present papers virtually via the KES Online platform.

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers and government and industry professionals to discuss the future of energy in buildings, neighbourhoods and cities from a theoretical, practical, implementation and simulation perspective. The conference will be an exciting chance to present, interact, and learn about the latest research in Sustainability in Energy and Buildings.

Applicable areas include sustainable design and of buildings, neighbourhoods and cities (built and natural environment); optimisation and modelling techniques; smart energy systems for smart cities; green information communications technology; as well as a broad range of solar, wind, wave and other renewable energy topics.

The conference proceedings will be published by Springer as book chapters in a volume of the KES Smart Innovation Systems and Technologies series, submitted for indexing in Scopus and Thomson-Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) and the Web of Science.

Papers are sought for the conference on a range of renewable energy and sustainability related topics. In addition, the conference will explore innovative themes regarding Intelligent Buildings and cities and their users, as well as, Sustainable Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

The following topics are relevant, however this list is not intended to be exclusive and papers on any topics relevant to the above themes are applicable:-

Intelligent Buildings: Integration of renewable energy in buildings and cities, Business development and energy services for sustainable buildings and cities.

Sustainable Building technologies: low energy architectures, energy efficient buildings, highly-efficient insulation, novel sustainable building materials and techniques, passive heating and cooling.

Control and optimisation of renewable energy systems: sensors and instrumentation technology, virtual sensors; smart monitoring and control using intelligent systems; high-efficiency switching systems; highly-efficient voltage conversion systems; novel high efficiency distribution systems and low voltage busses.

People in Intelligent Buildings and cities: sustainable behaviour and ICT in homes and premises, sustainable practices in intelligent buildings.

Energy and Environmental Assessment in buildings and cities: life cycle analysis methodologies; tools and life cycle analysis; triple-bottom-line analysis, environmental management systems, environmental impact assessment systems, Environmental Sustainability and Development.

Other topics of interest for the conference:-

High efficiency power storage systems: battery systems; reversible fuel cells; flywheel systems; super-capacitors; thermo electricity, bio fuel, Grätzel cells.

Call for invited sessions
An invited session consists of a presentation session of 6 to 12 or more papers on a specific conference topic, organised as half or full day mini-conference. We invite senior scientists who have a special interest in a specific conference topic to take responsibility for an invited session, gathering papers from a range of research expertise around the world. Researchers who would like to organise one or more Invited Sessions on topics falling within the scope of the conference are invited to submit a proposal for consideration.

Stay in touch

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @KES_Intl and on LinkedIn you can follow our company page and join our Group: KES International Knowledge Connections to keep up-to-date with news, events and discussions.

For further information about KES International please email: or visit

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