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SEEL 2022 : 9th International Conference on Smart Education and E-Learning


When Jun 20, 2022 - Jun 22, 2022
Where Rhodes, Greece
Submission Deadline Jan 28, 2022
Notification Due Feb 11, 2022
Final Version Due Mar 4, 2022
Categories    education   intelligent systems   artificial intelligence   e-learning

Call For Papers

Part of KES multi themed conference Smart Digital Futures which groups AMSTA-22, IDT-22, HCIS-22, InMed-22, SEEL-22 and STS-22 in one venue.

SEEL is a major international forum for the presentation of innovative ideas, approaches, technologies, systems, findings and outcomes of research and design and development projects in the emerging areas of smart education, strategies and approaches for smart teaching, learning, and e-learning, applications of smart technology and smart systems in education and e-learning, smart classrooms and smart universities, and knowledge-based smart society.

SEEL will provide an excellent opportunity for scholars, Ph.D. students, faculty, administrators, and practitioners to meet well-known experts from all over the world and to discuss innovative ideas, approaches and novelties in smart teaching and learning, advances in smart technology, intelligent systems and state-of-the-art software and hardware systems for education, research findings and outcomes, best practices and case studies, national and international projects, institutional standards and policies, and many other topics related to innovative smart education, smart universities and smart schools.


1. Smart Education (SmE Track)
Conceptual frameworks for smart education
Innovative smart teaching and learning technologies
Best practices and case studies on smart education
Smart pedagogy
Smart classroom (features, characteristics, infrastructure, etc.)
Smart curriculum and courseware design and development
Smart assessment and testing
Smart education analytics
Faculty development and instructor's skills for smart education
University-wide smart systems for teaching, learning, research, collaboration, communication, management, security
Smart blended, distance, online and open education
Partnerships, national and international projects on smart education
Standards and policies in smart education
Economics of smart education

2. Smart e-Learning (SmL Track)
Smart e-learning: concepts, strategies and approaches
Smart e-learning teaching strategies
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
Small Personal Online Courses (SPOC)
Assessment and testing in smart e-learning
Serious games-based smart e-learning
Courseware design and development for smart e-learning
Smart e-learning environments
Hardware and software systems, portals and platforms for smart e-learning
Smart e-learning pedagogy
Smart e-learner modeling
Smart e-learning management, analytics, and quality assurance
Faculty development and instructor's skills for smart e-learning
Best practices and case studies on smart e-learning
Benefits and effectiveness of smart e-learning
Partnerships, national and international projects on smart e-learning
Standards and policies in smart e-learning
Social, cultural, and ethical dimensions and challenges of smart e-learning
Economics of smart e-learning

3. Smart Technology Applications in Education and e-Learning (SmT Track)
Smart technology enhanced teaching and learning
Internet-of-Things (IoT) in smart learning environments
Smart phones and smart devices in education
Smart technologies and systems for education and e-learning
Educational applications of smart technology and smart systems
Smart technology-based educational software and hardware systems
Mobility, security, access and control in smart learning environments
Smart gamification (fusion of smart technology and serious games)
Smart multimedia (fusion of smart technology and rich multimedia technology)
Smart mobility (fusion of smart technology and mobile technology)

4. From Smart Education to Smart Society" Continuum (SmS Track)
Smart school
Applications of smart toys in education
Smart management and administration
Smart campus and smart university
Economics of smart universities
Smart house
Smart healthcare
Smart wealth
Smart cities
Smart society

5. Smart University as a Hub for Students' Engagement into Virtual Business and Entrepreneurship (SmB Track)
Entrepreneurship and innovation at university: student role and engagement
Student engagement with virtual businesses and virtual companies
Virtual teams and virtual team working (technology, models, ethics)
University curricula for entrepreneurship and innovation (core and supplemental courses)
New student goal - start his/her own business (instead of getting a job in a company)
Students and start-up companies (approaches, models, best practices

Call for invited sessions

An invited session consists of a presentation session of 6 to 12 or more papers on a specific conference topic, organised as half or full day mini-conference. We invite senior scientists who have a special interest in a specific conference topic to take responsibility for an invited session, gathering papers from a range of research expertise around the world. Researchers who would like to organise one or more Invited Sessions on topics falling within the scope of the conference are invited to submit a proposal for consideration.

Submission Guidelines and Review Process

Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers which are not under review for another conference, workshop, or journal by the time of submission. The contributors should address one or more research areas included above.

Detailed submission information is available on the conference page.

Submitted papers will undergo double-blind peer review by at least two members of the program committee. Prior to submission, please ensure that you have removed any information from your paper which could identify the authors. Paper acceptance is based on the following criteria: novelty, technical soundness, practical or theoretical impact, clarity, and presentation. At least one author per paper submission is required to register for the conference, and to present the paper.

Stay in touch

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @KES_Intl and on LinkedIn you can follow our company page and join our Group: KES International Knowledge Connections to keep up-to-date with news, events and discussions.
Further information

For further information about KES International please email: or visit

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