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ICISCI 2022 : International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computational Intelligence


When May 10, 2022 - May 13, 2022
Where Changsha, China
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2021
Notification Due Feb 1, 2022
Final Version Due Mar 1, 2022
Categories    data mining   machine learning   multi-agent systems   distributed intelligence

Call For Papers

We are delighted to invite you to the 2022 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Computational Intelligence (ICISCI2022) which will be held in Changsha, China during May 10-13, 2022. Located in central south of China, Changsha is a city with more than 8 million people, the capital of Hunan province which is the origin of delicious and spicy Hunan cuisine, the home place of Chairman Mao Zedong, and home to the famed Wulingyuan Scenic Area in Zhangjiajie, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

ICISCI2022 aims to provide a high-level international forum for scientists, engineers, and educators to present the state of the art of research and applications on intelligent system theory, cybersecurity and computational intelligence, and will provide plenty of networking opportunities, bringing you a chance to meet and interact with leading scholars. The conference will feature plenary/keynote lectures given by world renowned scholars. Additionally, there are three panels: "Involving students and young professionals in IEEE volunteering activities, conferences, and publications" organized by IEEE societies leaders; "How to publish high-quality research papers in IEEE Transactions and journals" anchored by Editors of prestigious journals; and "Inspiring women in STEM" presented by distinguished female scientists. We solicit you to contribute high quality papers and organize special sessions. Please see the Call For Papers for details.

While relishing the ICISCI2022 academic feast, you will enjoy a variety of authentic Hunan dishes and feel the hospitality, enthusiasm and kindness of people there. You can pay a visit to one of the oldest academies in China, Yuelu Academy (also called Millennium Academy) located in the gorgeous Yuelu mountain. Nearby Changsha, there are lots of travel hotspots such as breathtaking mountain view's of Zhangjiajie which inspired breathtaking scenery in the groundbreaking 2009 move: Avatar. Fenghuang City is also close by, and is an exceptionally well-preserved ancient town regarded as the most beautiful town in China according to New Zealand writer Rewi Alley.

We are confident that ICISCI2022 will be an unforgettable conference with our hardworking and your support. We are excited to invite you to ICISCI2022 – we are looking forward to welcoming you to Changsha in May 2022.

Special session proposals deadline: August 1, 2021
Paper submission deadline: November 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance: February 1, 2022
Camera-ready copy and author registration: March 1, 2022
ICISCI Conference: May 10-13, 2022

Topics of contributing papers include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
Multi-agent systems Intelligent power grid
Smart cities Discrete event systems
Smart grid Artificial life
Distributed intelligence System modeling and control
Bioinformatics Fault monitoring and diagnosis
Smart sensor networks Computational intelligence
Dynamics of nonlinear systems Control and optimization
Cybernetics for informatics Robotic systems
Image processing Evolutionary computation
Heuristic algorithms Pattern recognition
Fuzzy systems Swarm intelligence
Intelligent transportation Neural networks
Data mining Neuromorphic computing
Machine vision Cooperative systems and control
Deep learning Machine learning
Cryptography Information security
Secure data analytics Big data

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