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Crises, challenges, innovations 2022 : Crises, challenges, innovations An international interdisciplinary conference organised by CRINI and the department of Applied Foreign Languages and International Business at the U | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://crini.univ-nantes.fr/appels/colloque-crises-defis-innov | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
22-24 June 2022
CALL FOR PAPERS Identities and processes of patrimonialisation Conference tracks 22-24 June 2022 The various crises (health, climate, financial, economic, migratory, etc.) that societies across the globe have faced in recent years, or even decades, have forced us to address challenges relating to identity and cultural heritage. The crises have become "stationary", to use the phrase of the German philosopher Joseph Vogl1. They impact the social cohesion of our modern European societies and reinforce fiscal disparities and economic inequality in a context of rising national populism and prioritisation of national interests. The question of regional, national and transnational identities notably resurfaced during the Covid-19 crisis when border controls were strengthened within the Schengen area following the classification of high risk areas due to increased circulation of the coronavirus. In April 2020, for example, several (cross-border) French people were confronted with anti-French incidents in Saarland – a German border region less affected by Covid-19 than Moselle in France at that time. This particular incident, chosen among many other possible examples, clearly reveals the evaluative aspect as well as the idea of dispute to which the Greek word (krino) (to oppose, to screen, to judge, to arbitrate) refers – and from which the concept of 'crisis' is directly derived. Closely linked to the question of identity is that of cultural heritage (transnational, regional), which is supposed to preserve and contain the collective memory and forms of expression of our ancestors. Cultural heritage, which is the focus of our attention here, represents in this sense the uniqueness and identity of groups and communities. Clearly, it is strongly involved in the process of identity creation. Times of crisis are particularly conducive to the emergence of processes of selection, screening, evaluation ((krino)) and reappraisal of cultural heritage, which in turn have an impact on identity dynamics often with serious consequences. This obviously concerns intangible (immaterial) cultural heritage (social practices, festive or ritual events, etc.), which, as we have seen, has been impacted by the current health crisis. But this is also true for tangible (material) cultural heritage (monuments, urban spaces, etc.) which, as a result of wars, border displacements or population shifts, often needs to be recontextualised and potentially reassessed. If we consider that cultural heritage serves as a reaffirmation of self conceptions, an expression of individual identity and promotes social cohesion, this research workshop is particularly interested in identities and the processes of patrimonialisation. It will focus on cross-border and transnational contexts, transformations of heritage over time (traces), peripheral territories, shared heritage and dissonant heritage. Contributions focusing on regions and situations in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European countries will be of particular interest. A number of different areas can be explored: monumental heritage, the domestic sphere, landscapes, rural societies... The heritage artefacts studied may be tangible/material (objects, goods, museums, cities, architectures, libraries, monuments, etc.) or intangible/immaterial (rituals, craftsmanship, social practices, etc.). Different theoretical and methodical approaches may also be used to study the links between 'heritage' and 'identities', focusing on one of the following themes: - Transnational cultural heritage, communities and circulation spaces; - Inclusions or exclusions of expressions of identity in cultural heritage in light of developments or changes of context; - Appropriation strategies, cultural heritage and management of the conflictual past (traces, actors, instances, media, hegemonic analyses, etc.) - Themes and issues related to unwanted cultural heritage Important dates 30 September 2021: Call for Papers published 15 January 2022: Deadline for abstract submissions 15 February 2022: Acceptance notifications 30 March 2022: Final programme published Spring 2023: Publication of special issue with certain papers after evaluation Instructions for contributors Presenting your submission Contributors should send their abstract submission to the following email address: colloque.crini-lea2022@univ-nantes.fr Please specify you are responding to Workshop 2. Your submission should contain between 400 and 500 words. It should include the names of the authors, their position, their institution (with postal address) and their e-mail address. Submissions received after 15th January 2022 will not be considered. Selection criteria Coherence with the Call for papers and conference themes; Scientific value and/or originality of the approach; Clarity of the submission. Registration fees The registration fee is 75 € (35 € for PhD students). Lunch and coffee breaks on June 22, 23 and 24 are provided by the organisers. Languages Papers can be presented in French, English or German. Organising Committee Mary LAVISSIÈRE FLCE, CRINI Université de Nantes, Johannes DAHM FLCE, CRINI Université de Nantes, Joël BRÉMOND FLCE, CRINI Université de Nantes, Scientific Committee Charlotte Barcat, Université de Nantes Christoph Breser, Université d’Innsbruck Johannes Dahm, Université de Nantes Sophie Eberhardt, Groupe Espi/Nantes Henning Fauser, Université de Nantes Géraldine Galeote, Université de Nantes Christian Jacques, Université de Strasbourg Alexandre Kostka, Université de Strasbourg Kornelije Kvas, Université de Belgrade Ruth Lambertz-Pollan, Université de Nantes Piotr Marciniak, École Polytechnique de Poznań Tobias Möllmer, Université d’Innsbruck Susanne Müller, Université de Lorraine Maitane Ostolaza, Université de Nantes Gloria Paganini-Rainaud, Université de Nantes Bénédicte Terrisse, Université de Nantes Christiane Weber, Université d’Innsbruck Sophie Elaine Wolf, Université d’Innsbruck Werner Wögerbauer, Université de Nantes |