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CFP:The Adolescentia Project 2021 : Call for Chapters: The Adolescentia Project - Essays on Music, Adolescence, and Identity


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2021
Final Version Due May 1, 2022
Categories    popular culture   music   interdisciplinary   cultural studies

Call For Papers

Call for Chapters: The Adolescentia Project - Essays on Music, Adolescence, and Identity

About The Adolescentia Project:
Think back to when you were fourteen years old. Who were you? Who did you hang out with? And, most importantly, what did you listen to? The Adolescentia Project: Essays on Music, Adolescence, and Identity explores music consumption, self-discovery, material culture, and nostalgia through autoethnographic essays on albums we loved when we were fourteen. The Adolescentia Project connects our collective and intimate relationship to music by tracing the forms of identity, culture, and nostalgia that have evolved over three decades (1980-2010) as the music industry and socio-cultural identity landscapes in the United States significantly changed. Framed by decade introductions, each essay in the collection reflects upon a single album in our collective journey. Through examination of these albums, we can better understand the long-term impact of these formative musical experiences. We each have that album that gave us the courage to be who we are today. What’s yours?

How to submit a proposal:
The Adolescentia Project seeks proposals for autoethnographic essays to be included in the edited collection. Proposals should be around 300 words in length and include reflections responding to the following questions:
● What did your 14-year-old self love about this album?
● How did this album impact your sense of self?
● How did this album impact how you understood the world?
● How is the album’s impact still with you today?

Please also include the artist, album title, year of release in your proposal.

Individuals identifying with historically marginalized populations are particularly encouraged to submit.

Please email proposals with a short bio to by November 15th.

Contributors chosen for inclusion in the collection will be notified by December 1st, and final essay submissions will be due by May 1st. Final essay submissions should be between 3,000-4,000 words in length.

For more information on The Adolescentia Project, please visit our website at or explore the companion digital archive on Instagram @adolescentia_.

About the editors:
Dr. Mary Beth Ray is an Associate Professor of Communication & Media Studies and Co-Chair of Women, Gender, & Sexuality Studies at Plymouth State University who writes about internet culture, gender, and popular music. Dr. Carrie Teresa is Associate Professor and Chair of Niagara University’s Communication and Media Studies Department who writes about social identity, nostalgia, and heavy metal.

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