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CONF.ITECH 2022 : International Conference Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition


When Jun 30, 2022 - Jul 2, 2022
Where Rome
Abstract Registration Due Jan 10, 2021
Submission Deadline Jan 24, 2021
Notification Due Mar 14, 2022
Final Version Due May 23, 2022
Categories    architecture   construction engineering   urbanism   innovation

Call For Papers

Unlike perception, which implies observation of reality, imagination is a synthesis of our cognition and our plans, with the goal of constructing an all-encompassing image of reality.

But this raises questions and interferences that set in motion transformations of the collective imagination, along with an ever increasing expansion of the technical and technological universe, all of extreme analytical interest, even more so in light of their ties to the virtual revolution that has ushered in a radical transformation of the categories of the reference framework of imagination.

The technological culture of planning, plus the technology of design, construction and the transformation of the built environment, as well as innovations in the processes and organisation of construction production, together with environmental planning of elements and systems, all provide methods and dynamic tools necessary to the formulation of long-term perspectives and the establishment of a “system” of visions for the future.

To this end, the potential of technological culture definitely represents a strategic tool for the conception, design and validation of future scenarios.

Today, the shock of the pandemic has made given for an urgent need to construct informed, advanced visions of the urban habitat, taking into account the impact of recent experience, plus the contribution of technological innovations, as well as the ecological and digital transition, in their widest-ranging manifestations.

The convention addresses the pressing need for sustainability in urban development over the medium and long terms, with cities to serve as the main stage for strategies that seek to meet the targets and the cross-sector priorities indicated in the EU’s Next Generation program, all in pursuit of a solid recovery on the part of the European economy, along lines of ecological transition, digitalisation, competitiveness, training and inclusion to overcome social, territorial and gender differences.

The international study encounter is meant to promote visions shared by architectural technology and other disciplines, which, though they may appear to differ, are closely interconnected, with the aim of achieving an open, interdisciplinary integration capable of proposing concrete projects regarding topics held to be of strategic importance to the future of the built environment. These are identified to draw up evolving scenarios of architecture and cities suited to reflection, at various levels, on innovative models of process and product.

The topics for consideration by the convention are structured around the following work sessions:

- Digital world for real cities
- “Printed” buildings for sustainable habitats
- Technological innovation for low tech environments
- Effective solutions for resilient urban habitats
- Architectural design for healthy living

Conference Sessions:

1) Innovation | Digital world for real cities

2) Technology | “Printed” buildings for sustainable habitats

3) Environment | Technological innovation for low tech environments

4) Climate | Effective solutions for resilient urban habitats

5) Health | Environments for healthy living

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