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ICIN 2022 : 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks


When Mar 7, 2022 - Mar 10, 2022
Where Paris, France (Hybrid Conference)
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2021
Notification Due Jan 7, 2023
Final Version Due Jan 14, 2022
Categories    communications   networks   netwoking   6G

Call For Papers


CALL FOR PAPERS - ICIN 2022 - 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks

“Paving the way to an inclusive and sustainable 6G”

March 7-10th, 2022 - Paris, France (Hybrid Conference)


ICIN 2022 is technically sponsored by IEEE and IEEE ComSoc.
All accepted & presented papers will be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore.

The best papers presented at the conference will be invited to submit an extended version for fast-track review in the following journals:

IEEE Communications Magazine (Impact Factor: 10.356)
IEEE Transactions on Network Service and Management (Impact Factor: 4.682)


***Paper Submission: November 15th, 2021 (Firm deadline)***
Paper Acceptance Notification: January 7th, 2022
Camera-Ready Papers: January 14th, 2022

Link to submission page:


For the 2022 edition, ICIN is focusing on the move towards “NextG” and the upcoming 6G that is clearly up-to-the-minute and probably happening faster than expected now that initial 5G deployments are a reality. Considering the many challenges that the emerging paradigms and technologies will bring, the theme for ICIN 2022 is: “Paving the way to an inclusive and sustainable 6G”.

The conference will foster discussion about new ideas and novel approaches for future 6G networks and services and their enabling technologies and mechanisms in the emerging scenario of immersive connectivity, security and intelligence. With this vision, the conference will look beyond the current state of the art and promote the advances of network of networks with control and management approaches that foster reliability and optimality for applications and services that leverage societies and business.

Interested authors are invited to submit papers presenting novel technical research, research related to business impact or mechanisms of new technologies, as well as broader position and visionary papers. Contributions that discuss lessons learnt and best practices, describe practical deployment and implementation experiences as well as demonstrating innovative use-cases are also and especially encouraged.


Areas of interest and topics include, but are not limited to:

- Beyond 5G and towards 6G architectures and networks:
* Towards 6G use cases and requirements
* Coverage extension approaches
* Extended coverage and disruptive infrastructure deployment models
* Efficiency and cooperation models across network segments
* Softwarized and flexible networks and services for high adaptability
* Reliability, resilience and robustness
* Cross-networks and services trustworthiness enablers

- Edge-Cloud continuum and softwarized networks evolution:
* Edge for vertical industries
* Digital twins challenges
* Automotive and vehicular networking, vehicular cloud services
* Tactile Internet and precision networking
* Functional decomposition and orchestration, service chaining
* Protocols for ultra-low latency and ultra-high reliability
* Fog, edge and multi-access computing and networking
* Security, trust and privacy

- Enablers and services for wireless and mobile networks:
* Network and service architecture, protocols, application-network layer interworking,
* Scalability and multi-tenancy in beyond 5G and emerging networks
* Green networking and efficient resource usage and service delivery
* Security, trust and privacy management in large systems and smart environments

- Network automation and orchestration architectures and protocols
* Zero-touch network and service management and orchestration
* Artificial intelligence for networks and networks for artificial intelligence
* Network data analytics, anomaly detection, and feature extraction
* Autonomic and cognitive networking
* Automated data, control, and management planes
* Intent-based network management
* Network programmability
* Automated QoS and QoE management
* Orchestration of distributed cloud and network resources
* Security, societal and legal aspects of network automation

- Technologies for innovation in clouds, Internet and networks
* SDN, NFV, service function chaining, function placement and network embedding
* Cloud-native design applied to network planes
* Distributed Ledger Technologies in networking and network services
* Advanced multimedia and real-time communications, QoE/QoS Assurance
* Lightweight virtualization technologies, software and hardware acceleration
* Energy-efficient software-defined infrastructures
* Measurement, monitoring and telemetry
* Open-source projects and open standards


TPC Co-Chairs
Amina Boubendir (Orange Labs, France)

Piotr Boryło (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)

General Co-Chairs
Noura Limam (University of Waterloo, Canada)

Mohamed Faten Zhani (ETS Montreal, Canada)

We are looking forward to your submission to ICIN 2022

More information on:

Related Resources

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