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AIABI 2021 : [AIABI 2021] CfP - DEADLINE EXTENDED - 1st Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Applications in Business and Industries


When Nov 29, 2021 - Nov 29, 2021
Where Online Event
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2021
Notification Due Nov 8, 2021
Final Version Due Nov 22, 2021

Call For Papers



1st Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Applications in Business and Industries (AIABI)

November 29, 2021

co-located with AIxIA 2021 ( - Milan, Italy


Submission: (track:

Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Applications in Business and Industries)

For any information:




- DEADLINE: October 15, 2021

- CEUR conference proceedings




Nowadays, Artificial Intelligence is becoming crucial in every business field. AI is currently reshaping organizations and how technologies affect management and business. AI has the power to transform business and society, in a transversal and pervasive way, due to its ability to extract and manage knowledge potentially in every industry. Researchers and scientists are aware that AI is transforming business models of all industries, by reshaping existing organizational processes. Moreover, AI has the potential to provide higher quality, greater efficiency, and better outcomes than human experts.

In the organizational and business framework, AI can provide assistance to decision-makers and technicians beyond the scope of humans. Indeed, both academics and practitioners agree that AI may substantially impact firms’ innovation processes. Recent advances in computational power and resources, the exponential increase in data availability, and new machine-learning techniques now allow organizations to also exploit AI-based solutions for managerial tasks. It suffices to mention that AI-based solutions play important roles in Unilever’s talent acquisition process, in Netflix’s decision-making processes regarding movie plots, directors, and actors, and in Pfizer’s drug discovery and scientific development activities.

Accordingly, the main motivation of the workshop is simple and straightforward: how can we deal with the immense potential of AI for creating the maximum possible value in business and heterogeneous industries?

This question triggers several lines, that are particularly relevant for the current research in AI. The workshop tries to address these research lines and aims to provide a forum for the Italian community to discuss problems, challenges and innovative approaches in the area.

Therefore, the workshop mainly aims at allowing organizations, academics, researchers and specifically firms, decision-makers and practitioners to share and analyze heterogenous research works and business case studies dealing with AI in business fields.




Topics of interest:

- Artificial Intelligence in Business

- Application of AI in industries and market

- AI use-cases in heterogeneous business contexts

- AI potential in leveraging Education and training of company stakeholders

- Explainable, Interpretable and Trustworthy AI in business

- Strategies to exploit the AI potential to leverage business competitive advantages

- Theoretical aspects of AI potentialities for business

- Evaluating AI Systems and AI impact in real business scenarios

- Ethics for AI in companies and industries




We encourage the submission of original contributions, investigating innovative methodologies and business cases of applications related to AI systems and algorithms. In particular, authors can submit:

(A) Regular papers (max. 12 + references – Springer LLNCS format);

(B) Short/Position papers (max 6 pages + references - Springer LLNCS format);

Submission Site

All submitted papers will be evaluated by at least two members of the program committee, based on originality, significance, relevance and technical quality. Papers should be formatted according to the Springer LLNCS Style.

Submissions should be single blinded, i.e. authors names should be included in the submissions.

Works must be submitted using the EasyChair conference system prior the specified deadline (all deadlines refer to GMT) by selecting AIABI as submission track.

At least one of the authors should register and take part in the conference to make the presentation.




* Paper submission deadline (extended): October 15th, 2021 (11:59PM UTC-12)

* Notification to authors: November 8th, 2021

* Camera-Ready submission: November 22nd, 2021




All accepted papers will be published in the AIxIA series of CEUR-WS.

A selection of the best papers, accepted for the presentation at the workshops, will be invited to submit an extended version for publication on “Intelligenza Artificiale”, the International Journal of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence.




Francesco Epifania, Social Thingum (ITALY)

Luca Marconi, Social Thingum, University of Milano - Bicocca (ITALY)




Simone Caporale, Profima srl, AI Magister (ITALY)

Giulia Cisotto, University of Padova (ITALY)

Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan (ITALY)

Francesco Epifania, Social Thingum (ITALY)

Guido di Fraia, IULM University (ITALY)

Alberto Fioravanti, Digital Magics (ITALY)

Giacinto Fiore, AI Week Italia (ITALY)

Iuri Frosio, NVIDIA (USA)

Luca Marconi, Social Thingum, University of Milano - Bicocca (ITALY)

Ricardo Matamoros, Social Thingum, University of Milano - Bicocca (ITALY)

Luca Nardone, Unicredit (ITALY)

Filippo Neri, Università di Napoli Federico II, ProMarket 11 (ITALY)

Alessandro Rozza, group (SWITZERLAND)

Alberto Schiaffino, Engitel S.p.A. (ITALY)

Pasquale Viscanti, AI Week Italia (ITALY)




Barbara Rita Barricelli, Università degli Studi di Brescia (ITALY)

Giulia Cisotto, University of Padova (ITALY)

Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan (ITALY)

Donato De Ieso, dilium srl, Assintel (ITALY)

Guido di Fraia, IULM University (ITALY)

Adam Elwood, group (SWITZERLAND)

Francesco Epifania, Social Thingum (ITALY)

Alberto Fioravanti, Digital Magics (ITALY)

Iuri Frosio, NVIDIA (USA)

Altin Kadareja, Cardo AI (ITALY)

Eugenia Kovatcheva, University of Sofia (BULGARY)

Alberto Lucchetti, group (SWITZERLAND)

Sara Manzoni, University of Milano - Bicocca (ITALY)

Luca Marconi, Social Thingum, University of Milano - Bicocca (ITALY)

Giulio Massucci, Wavenure (ITALY)

Ricardo Matamoros, Social Thingum, University of Milano - Bicocca (ITALY)

Luca Nardone, Unicredit (ITALY)

Filippo Neri, Universita' di Napoli Federico II, ProMarket 11 (ITALY)

Roumen Nikolov, University of Sofia (BULGARY)

Alessandro Rozza, group (SWITZERLAND)

Italo Zoppis, University of Milano - Bicocca (ITALY)

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