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SI Cloud-to-Thing in IIoT 2022 : Special Issue on Intelligent Cloud-to-Thing continuum in Industrial IoT Scenarios


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2022
Notification Due Mar 11, 2022
Final Version Due Jul 11, 2022
Categories    cloud   IOT   pervasive computing   industrial iot

Call For Papers

--- Pervasive and Mobile Computing (Impact Factor: 3.453)---

Special Issue on Intelligent Cloud-to-Thing continuum in Industrial IoT Scenarios

The world is experiencing the latest industrial revolution. The development of pervasive systems and the ubiquitous connectivity has removed the boundaries between the physical and the virtual world allowing the implementation of the Industrial Internet of Things (Industrial IoT). Smart factories can effectively integrate autonomous machines with their business processes in order to exchange the sensed data, trigger actions and coordinate different machines towards a common goal. The new advances in the distribution of the computation (fog, edge and mist computing), the increase in the computing capacities of end devices (UAVs, robots, machines, etc.), the deployment of 5G / 6G networks, the artificial intelligence and the integration of humans-in-the-loop predict a bright future for Industrial IoT.

However, these techniques are still in their infancy. New approaches are needed to identify how to orchestrate and distribute the computing processes and services of each industry in a multilayer computing infrastructure (cloud, fog, edge, or mist), how to intelligently perform that distribution based on the characteristics of the system and state of the network, how this distribution can support the digital twins of an industrial scenario, how to also integrate intelligence at the edge of the network to improve the decision making process, and how to integrate humans and their context into the production processes to adapt them to their needs. The application of these techniques should be specially driven by the Quality of Service of the industry and by the final benefits obtained and perceived by humans.

This special issue is focused on the integration of the Cloud-to-Thing continuum, Artificial Intelligence techniques and the Human-In-The-Loop paradigm for building effective and efficient Industrial IoT systems. The topics relevant to this special issue include but are not limited to:
- Cloud-to-Thing continuum for Industrial IoT.
- Computing in the network for Industrial IoT.
- Integrating cloud, edge, and 5G/6G networks for Industrial IoT.
- Context aware industrial systems in a cloud to thing scheme.
- Orchestration of industrial systems in a cloud to thing scheme.
- Smart and adaptive Industrial IoT systems.
- Infrastructure planning for Industrial IoT.
- Security, privacy and trust in industrial systems applying a cloud to thing scheme.
- Monitoring industrial systems.
- Network Programmability and Softwarization for industrial systems.
- Performance, Optimization and Resource Dimensioning for Industrial IoT.
- Intelligent deployment of industrial systems in a cloud to thing scheme.
- Load balancing of industrial systems in a cloud to thing scheme.
- Intelligent coordination and networking of industrial systems in a cloud to thing scheme.
- Intelligent Composition and collaboration of industrial systems applying a cloud to thing scheme.
- Software architecture for intelligent industrial systems in a cloud to thing scheme.
- Pervasive edge intelligence for Industrial IoT.
- Distributed intelligence for Industrial IoT.
- Distributed data analytics, data processing and modeling for Industrial IoT
- Quality of Service of industrial systems in an intelligent cloud to thing scheme.
- Quality of Service and traffic engineering in industrial systems in a cloud to thing scheme.
- Digital twins for Industrial IoT in a cloud to thing scheme.

Guest Editors
- Javier Berrocal, University of Extremadura (Spain),
- Luca Foschini, University of Bologna (Italy),

Submission Guidelines
Manuscripts should conform to the standard format as indicated in the “Guide for Authors” ( section of the journal Pervasive and Mobile Computing.
All manuscripts to be considered for publication must be submitted by the deadline through Elsevier's Editorial Manager platform (

Important Dates
- Manuscript Submission Deadline: December 11, 2021
- Initial Decision: March 11, 2022
- Revised Manuscript Submission Deadline: May 11, 2022
- Final Decision: July 11, 2022

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