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PDDig 2021 : ІI Conference on Professional Development in the Digitized Society: Current Trends


When Nov 11, 2021 - Nov 12, 2021
Where Kyiv, Ukraine
Submission Deadline Sep 20, 2021
Notification Due Oct 10, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 25, 2021
Categories    educational technology   professional development   educational environment   educational management

Call For Papers

Conference on Professional Development in the Digitized Society is a peer-reviewed international conference focusing on research advances and applications of combined use of computer hardware, software, and educational theory and practice to facilitate professional development.

PDDig tracks and topics of interest are:

Track 1: Management of professional development in the digital space of formal and non-formal education
Methodological principles of management of continuous professional development in the conditions of open postgraduate education and distance learning
Experience of professional development in formal and informal open postgraduate education
Quality management of professional development in the digital space of formal and non-formal education
Educational technology park in innovative management of education quality
Track 2: Training and professional development in the digital twin of the educational institution
Modern technologies for distance learning
Digital competence of the teacher: means of formation and development
Web tools for organizing and supporting distance learning

Learning management software as the basis for the formation of the digital twin of an educational institution
Digital twin of educational institution as a solution to innovative educational problems
Digital presentation of the functionality of the educational institution
Track 3: Psychological safety of in the digital educational environment
Information and psychological security of the individual: challenges of today
Psychological aspect of interaction in the digital educational environment
Factors of psychological safety in the digital educational environment
How to create and maintain a psychologically safe digital educational environment
Track 4: Training of managers of socio-political profile in the digitalized society
Trends, risks and determinants of socio-economic development of the organization in the era of digitalization
Personal development and psychological assistance of managers
Training in project management system and public administration
Training of managers of special and inclusive education
Management of educational institutions
Track 5: Teacher's soft skills development
Soft skills as an educational trend and a component of professional development
Soft skills development models
Competence-based professional development of teacher
Monitoring the quality of teacher training

Authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (at least 10 pages) including surveys, tutorials, perspective/colloquia articles in conference topics of interest through the HotCRP (
by September 20, 2021.

PDDig 2021 uses one-column CEURART style for the proceedings ( Therefore, for preparing your submission please STRICTLY FOLLOW the Guidelines to format your document for CEUR-WS ( and use sample-1col.tex file from as template. Your submission should be prepared using LaTeX and one-column CEURART style.

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by three reviewers on the basis of technical quality, relevance, originality, significance, and clarity. If necessary, a fourth, additional reviewer will be involved. The Program Committee will use these reviews to determine which papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference. The result of the reviewing will be announced to the submitting authors by email, along with reviewer comments, if any.

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