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Care of Professional Voice 2022 : The 51st Annual Symposium: Care of the Professional Voice


When Jun 1, 2022 - Jun 5, 2022
Where Philadelphia/Virtual
Submission Deadline Nov 5, 2021
Notification Due Jan 31, 2022
Categories    medical   speech-language pathology   voice pegagogy   science

Call For Papers

Regulations Papers: Deadline: November 5, 2022

Abstracts for oral presentations must represent original work that has not been published or presented elsewhere. Completed manuscripts must be submitted by the day of presentation at the Symposium and must be submitted for consideration for publication in Journal of Voice, unless prior arrangements have been made (Poster submissions are the exception). There will also be a New Investigators Research Forum for research-in-progress.

Abstracts for oral presentations must represent original work that has not been published or presented elsewhere.
Completed manuscripts must be submitted by the day of presentation at the Symposium and must be submitted for consideration for publication in Journal of Voice, unless prior arrangements have been mad
The program committee reserves the right to place each paper in the category they feel most appropriate.
The Voice Foundation will review all abstracts submitted and the first author will be notified of acceptance by January 31st.

We are accepting proposals for live and virtual workshops.

Regulations for the 2022 VIRTUAL Workshops - Deadline: November 5.
If the abstract submission does not explain how the majority of the time will be hands on, then it will not be under consideration.

Voice professionals are invited to submit a proposal for a VIRTUAL workshop to be considered for presentation at The Voice Foundation's Annual Symposium. The focus of the workshop should be on the "live" demonstration of your techniques with singers, actors, patients, or audience members. The workshop duration is 55 minutes, and we request that you plan for the majority of the session to be spent in hands-on interaction with the participants.

Workshops should be designed to be presented without the use of audiovisual aids such as overhead projectors, slide projectors, or videotapes.

The focus of your workshop should be on a real-time demonstration of your techniques using the audience members, singers, actors, or patients provided. This is not a lecture format.
Symposium registration fee will be waived for ONE presenter/author (workshops only).
Workshop presenters are limited to presenting two years in a row, after which they must sit out one year.
A piano and accompanist will be provided for all singing voice teachers; other presenters may request a keyboard. The workshop should be presented without the use of audiovisual aids such as overhead projectors, slide projectors, or videotapes.
All workshop presenters are encouraged to attend the entire Symposium at the Westin Philadelphia Hotel (99 South 17th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer any remuneration or reimbursement for lodging or transportation.
The Voice Foundation
219 N. Broad St. 10th Floor
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19107
T. (215) 735-7999

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