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RoboCom’22 - IEEE CCNC WKSHPS 2022 : RoboCom’22 - IEEE CCNC 2022 WKSHPS: 2nd International Workshop on Communication and Networking for Swarms Robotics


When Jan 8, 2022 - Jan 11, 2022
Where Las Vegas, NV, USA
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2021
Notification Due Oct 29, 2021
Final Version Due Nov 19, 2021

Call For Papers

Recent advances in the field of telecommunications and electronics have led to the proliferation of autonomous robots in numerous novel application fields, from emergency situations to military applications, from infrastructure inspection to ambient monitoring services, where the utilization of multiple robots is essential in order to accomplish the desired task. Recent works have demonstrated the challenges of coordinating multiple robots in order to deploy robot networks with self-configuration and self-healing capabilities to guarantee service continuity, also in case of failures.
Starting from the unique requirements of a multi robot system, Swarm Robotics is a complex approach that requires an understanding of how to define distributed systems to define self-organization behaviors. Swarm Robotics studies how to make robots collaborate and collectively solve a task where every robot contributes to the general task sharing the same higher-level objectives. To this end, communication wireless networks must be specifically designed in order to support the cooperation and collaboration inside the swarm.
This workshop invites original research articles and review articles that focus on communication networking problems in swarm robotics.

- Communication Models and Protocols for Swarm Robotics
- Delay-Tolerant Applications for Swarm Robotics
- Fog and Edge Computing in Swarm Robotics
- 5G Integration with Swarm Robotics
- Integration of Unmanned Aerial, Ground, and Underwater Vehicles in Swarm Robotics
- Localization, Navigation, and Dynamic Path Planning in Swarm Robotics
- Cooperative Control of Multiple Robots
- Security and Privacy in Swarm Robotics
- The Internet of Things (IoT) in Swarm Robotics
- Swarm Intelligence and Nature-Inspired Algorithm in Swarm Robotics
- Artificial Intelligence Applications in Swarm Robotics
- Continual Learning and Adaptation for Swarm Robotics
- Novel applications for Swarm Robotics

- Submission deadline: October 15th, 2021
- Notification: October 29th, 2021
- Camera ready: November 19th, 2021

EDAS link for submissions:

- Best Paper Award (BPA) sponsored by the Technology Innovation Institute (TII) with a cash prize of 1,000 Euro

General Chairs:
- Angelo Trotta, University of Bologna, Italy
- Gökhan Seçinti, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Nicola Roberto Zema, University of Paris-Saclay, France
- Zhangyu Guan, University at Buffalo, USA

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