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ICALTER 2021 : 1st International Conference on advanced Learning Technologies on Education & Research


When Dec 16, 2021 - Dec 18, 2021
Where Perú
Submission Deadline Nov 15, 2021
Notification Due Nov 30, 2021
Final Version Due Dec 7, 2021
Categories    technology   e-education   education   e-learning

Call For Papers

ICALTER 2021 - The 1st International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies for Education and Research. -- Index SCOPUS

Abbreviation:ICALTER 2021
Perú, Lima | December 16 to 18, 2021

The 1st International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies for Education and Research – ICALTER 2021 aims to create a space for sharing insights, software, app ideas, and experiences regarding digital transformation. This platform will also serve to share the new needs of students and teachers inhabiting a virtual world that offers a myriad of possibilities in the educational field. In this context, the impact of the COVID-19 has led to teachers and students getting closely linked to digital technologies, as well as to new models of teaching and learning.

This event pursues a dual purpose:

To establish a virtual space for sharing software and app ideas, and innovative experiences of digital transformation in teaching and learning.
To strengthen international cooperation through the exchange of experiences and the transfer of knowledge among teachers, researchers, academics, students, and professionals with a strong interest in the digital transformation of teaching and learning.
ICALTER 2021 is aimed at teachers, researchers, academics, students, and education professionals involved and interested in teaching innovation, technology-supported learning processes, and the impact of digital technology in educational environments.

ICALTER 2021 will be held FULLY ONLINE.


The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Digital Experiences in Education
-Digital literacy and digital competence
-Rethinking Assessment
-Teacher Training and Support
-Instructional Design and Curriculum Priorities
-Keeping Students Engaged
-Inclusion and Equity to Minimize the Educational Disruption
COVID19: Remote and distance learning
-Transition from face-to-face to online learning
-Digital Technologies and Resources for Learning under Lockdown
-Ensuring Students and Teachers Well-being
-The Impact of COVID-19 on Education
-Management of educational institutions in the pandemic
-Education and technology in the era of COVID-19
Emerging Technologies in Education
-Flipped classroom and Flipped Learning
-Game Based Learning
-Mobile Technologies
-Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
-Cloud based technologies
-Open Educational Resources
-Open Access Education
-Social and Digital Media in Education
-Learning scenarios based on virtual worlds
-Uses of language and translation technologies for educational purposes
-Digital Technology in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths)
E-Learning: Projects and Experiences
-Design Thinking
-Massive Online Courses (MOOCs)
-Mobile learning
-Remote, online, and hybrid learning
-Audiovisual translation teaching
Inclusion and Diversity in Education
-Digital Divide and Access to the Internet
-Adaptability, flexibility, and universal design
-Accessibility, sign languages, interpretation
-Indigenous languages and interculturality through educational technology
-Digital learning in favor of equality

The official language of ICALTER 2021 is ENGLISH or SPANISH. Articles in English and Spanish will be accepted, however consider that the Title and Abstract must be written in English. The maximum number of authors per paper, including co-authors is four (4). Papers must be submitted in PDF and no longer than four (4) pages, following the IEEE Conference Template available at: publishing/templates.html
We will use EasyChair system for submissions here: EASY CHAIR
Accepted papers must be presented orally to be submitted for publication in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and SCOPUS.

Admin Icalter

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