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TRECVID 2022 : Call for New Task Proposals in TRECVID 2022


When Jan 1, 2022 - Dec 15, 2022
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Nov 1, 2021
Notification Due Dec 1, 2021
Categories    computer vision   multimedia understanding   video analysis   vision and language

Call For Papers

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) invites proposals for tracks to be run in TRECVID 2022. Past TRECVID tracks have included Ad-hoc and Instance Video search, Concept detection, Localization, Video summarization, Copy detection, Video-to-Text description, Multimedia and surveillance event detection, activity detection, and Disaster scene indexing. For TRECVID 2022, NIST invites track proposals that continue or build on previous TRECVID tracks, as well as proposals for new tracks in content-based video retrieval and related areas of research including video understanding.

Proposed TRECVID tracks should aim for the following timeline:

February 2022: track draft guidelines are completed
April : task guidelines finalized
June to early September: test data released
September: evaluation results released

Criteria for selection of tracks include:

+ a strong advocate who is willing to volunteer as track coordinator.
+ a large enough core of interested researchers to make the track viable.
+ the availability of sufficient resources such as appropriate corpora, and assessors/annotators with expertise in the area; and
+ the fit with other tracks.

Proposals should be no longer than 3 pages (PDF) and include:

1. An explicit statement of the goals of the track (i.e., what is expected to be learned and/or what infrastructure would be created if the track were run).

2. A description of the task(s) to be run in the track, and possible methods of evaluation, including availability of any required tools.

3. What corpora would be necessary for the track, and whether there are any special constraints on distribution of the corpora.

4. What manual assessment or annotation is required (if any).

5. Where the assessing/annotation would occur (NIST or elsewhere) including any existing funding.

6. Whether there are any special qualifications or domain expertise required of the assessors/annotators.

7. An estimate of the amount of time required for such assessing/annotation.

8. Full contact details of the organizing committee, including designation of a track coordinator.

Please email track proposals to by November 1, 2021.

Selected track proposals will be presented at the TRECVID 2021 workshop this December.

Questions regarding track proposals may be directed to

Please forward to your network and colleagues for contributions.

We welcome all ideas and feedback. If you would like to discuss in-person potential proposals please let us know and we can arrange for an online meeting.

Thanks, and looking forward to your ideas and potential tasks!

George Awad

(on behalf of the TRECVID team)

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