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MICSECS 2021 : The Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems


When Dec 1, 2021 - Dec 3, 2021
Where Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Submission Deadline Oct 1, 2021
Notification Due Nov 15, 2021
Final Version Due Jan 10, 2022
Categories    software engineering   internet of things   artificial intelligence   virtual and extended reality

Call For Papers

The XIII Majorov International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems (MICSECS-2021) is an international event dedicated to discussing research results and directions in the areas related to Complex Computer Systems Design. Including but are not restricted to the following topics: Software and Hardware Engineering, Computational Platforms and Tools, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems, performing and application of Artificial Intellect, modern UI/UX, Multimedia, Virtual and Extended Reality technologies.

The conference will be planed to be performed in a hybrid format with online and offline participation in Russia, Saint-Petersburg, ITMO University if the epidemic situation allows this.

Important dates

The beginning of the participant registration: 1 September 2021
Paper and Report submission deadline: 1 October 2021
Author notification: 15 November 2021
Student Colloquium registration deadline: 15 November 2021
Conference program publication: 22 November 2021
Conference: 1-3 December 2021
Camera-ready paper submission deadline: 10 January 2022

All deadlines are for the Moscow time zone, 23:59.

Submission Options

The conference gives a possibility to exchange their experience and results in perspective areas of research and engineering of complex computer systems. All types of participation are free. The program committee will carefully review all submissions. In 2020, we received 109 papers, and the acceptance rate was 0.65, 3.15 reviews per paper.
Papers with Oral Presentation

Papers with oral presentations are dedicated to demonstrating the results of participant research and involve discussions with researchers in your area of interest, getting feedback, new ideas, and meetings. All accepted papers with oral presentation will be published in indexed by Scopus conference proceedings (2020, 2019, 2018). Oral sections will be performing in English languages.

If you want to have additional networking, discussions, live demonstration, or show technical details, you can also participate in poster or workshop sessions with the same paper.

Reports on Work in Progress or Pet Projects

Reports of work in progress and pet project dedicated to demonstrating the current state of ongoing or non-scientific projects for discussions, receiving feedback, and networking. That sections are mostly oriented on Ph.D., master, or bachelor students. A report should be presented by short oral presentation in English or Russian. All accepted reports will be published in conference proceedings and indexed by the RSCI database.

If you want to have additional networking, discussions, live demonstration, or show technical details, you can also participate in poster or workshop sessions with the same paper.

Student Colloquium

Student Colloquium is a non-formal format that combines oral presentation and poster session elements in which participants can briefly overview their work and continue discussions with interested listeners. Participants need to pitch in English or Russian languages, and registration requires them to submit a short abstract in English languages for publication on the conference site.

Poster and Workshop Sessions

Poster and workshop sessions are an additional format to present your research, work in process, or pet project, allowing you to perform more close and detailed discussions with other participants and demonstrate a live demo of your work or master classes.

The format will be defined closer to the event due to the epidemic situation.
Conference Topics

The conference welcomes novel papers and reports addressing to application and implementation aspects of computer systems. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Complex Computer Systems, Cyber-Physical Systems, System-of-Systems. System-Level Properties
The section is dedicated to the implementation of complex computer system or their parts, interesting and perspective application domains, questions about achieving system-level properties, and general problems of computer science and engineering.

Software Engineering. Tools, Practices, Methods, Processes
The section is dedicated to the practice and theory of software engineering. How to increase software quality, improve a development process, resolve tasks in a specific domain, or perform quality research in this area?

Custom and Application-Specific Computing. Platforms, System-on-a-Chip, Embedded Systems
The section is dedicated to questions: How to develop computer systems efficiently when developers are restricted by not friendly environment (climate, energy, money, time, computational resources, etc.), and a general-purpose solution does not allow to achieve an acceptable solution? How to avoid full custom design, increase the reuse ratio and reduce risks? How to find a non-straight path to the target?

Internet of Things, and Edge-Devices. Distributed Computing, Networks and Communication
The section is dedicated to distributed systems deeply integrated into the real world and have non-strict borders and not-well-defined features. How to design, develop and integrate such kinds of systems? How to see and achieve new opportunities in such an environment? How to describe the behavior of distributed systems, make them reliable, secure, efficient, and predictive? How to collect and transfer data between different computers with specific quality?

Cloud Computing and Data Centers. Virtual Environment, Platforms as a Service. Scalable System
Many computer systems migrate from customer devices to a cloud environment, which opens many opportunities for developers and users. But also, it makes a lot of specific problems about how to design cloud-based systems and how to perform cloud platforms in an efficient and useful way.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Collecting, Representing and Processing Data and Knowledge
Many tasks in front of IT are too complicated to be defined formally. Artificial intellect (AI) and machine learning (ML) can help us achieve acceptable solutions when human developers can not define proper algorithms. This section is dedicated to AI and ML applications, methods, and related questions like collecting, formalizing, and storing data.

User Interface and Experience. Text, Multimedia, Virtual and Extended Reality
The section is dedicated not only to improving current UI/UX and their development methods but also to modern technologies and computational platforms. That opens new types of human-machine interaction, allowing developers to create non-computer-like interfaces and extending native ways to explore and understand the surrounding world.

Links and Contacts

Address: ITMO University, 49 Kronverksky Pr., St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia
Organizer email:

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