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Constitution 2021 : Constitution of the community Rus


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Categories    constitution   russia   law   politics

Call For Papers

The order of law specified in the Constitution of the community Rus became its statutory law that is now in force and applicable to the whole territory of the former USSR that is now under the jurisdiction of said community, as stated in the decree of 12.12.2018.

The Constitution of the community Rus, originally written in Russian, is now available in German and English languages. I invite all professionals to proofread the english translation of the Constitution of the community Rus’ in order to improve it and to prepare it for public release.

Constitution of the community Rus’.

Part 1. Applicability.

1.1 Rus’ is a socio-cultural and geopolitical formation, whose recognized historical predecessors are the Russian Empire and the USSR.

1.2 Russian culture, language and ethnic certainty are the identity foundations of the new community, whose proclaimed goals are peaceful and coordinated coexistence of citizens; reproduction and further development of cultural, scientific and social achievements; preservation, multiplication and prosperity of all forms of life.

1.3 The territory, geographic location and boundaries of the geopolitical community are determined on the basis of the actual location and places of traditional residence of people who identify themselves with Russian culture, language and ethnicity, as well as people with a different ethnic identity, but related and close to the Russian people in socio-cultural terms and having a common history and territory of residence.

1.4 The relations of the community with other geopolitical entities, international organizations, and persons who are not citizens of the community are regulated individually on a contractual basis, and are subject to the approval of regional or interregional self-governing bodies.
Part 2. Constitutional order.

2.1 Constitutional order is declared to be the political basis and historical perspective of the named community.

2.2 The constitution, as the basic law, the set of rules of social life, and the description of the political order of the community, provides the legal regulation of interpersonal relations in order to achieve social harmony, mutual understanding, and cooperation. All other decrees and orders of a political and legal kind are called laws and bylaws, but their contents and implementation must not contradict the provisions of the constitution.

2.3 The Constituent Assembly has the right to make amendments, corrections, and additions to the text of the constitution, or to terminate it. The Constituent Assembly is also convened to determine the political order and the fundamental law of the community in cases of breach of continuity of power or termination of the constitution due to revolution, takeover of power by force, civil war, foreign occupation, or a political crisis that threatens the community. After taking the relevant decisions, the Constituent Assembly dissolves itself and delegates further functions for the implementation of the constitutional order to the regular authorities/self-government bodies.

2.4 After the publication, public deliberation, amendment and supplementation of the text of the constitution, it is applicable to the entire territory of residence of the citizens of the community. From that moment on, all previous legal acts having the character of the basic law become null and void.

2.5 It is the duty of every citizen to protect constitutional law, individual rights, and the rule of law.
Part 3. Individual rights.

3.1 Those persons who have come of age have the right to self-determination, which must not, however, violate the corresponding rights of others and the provisions of the constitution.

3.2 The right to self-determination is limited for minors and persons found to be insane, i.a. as a result of serious offenses; their rights are regulated by their parents, guardians, or public servants on behalf of law enforcement or health authorities.

3.3 The right to life is a fundamental and inalienable right of the individual.

3.4 Everyone has the right to protect his or her life, health and dignity as well as the life, health and dignity of other peoples as well as other living forms.

3.5 Collective defense and defense of the interests of the community takes place on a voluntary basis. The arming and military training of volunteers takes place in accordance with the principle of necessity and sufficiency of the defense. 3.6 Individuality implies wholeness and intactness of the individual. The right to individuality entails guarantees of inviolability of personal sphere, dwelling, consciousness, body, social and natural environment.

3.7 The basis of individuality is consciousness, arising in the process of maturation, self-knowledge, self-determination, and socialization. Actions aimed at limiting, suppressing and destroying individuality, including cruel treatment, inflicting mental trauma, creating tyrannical forms of government, are unlawful and must be prohibited.

3.8 The constitutional protection of the fundamental aspects of the individual is supplemented by the protection of the social and biospheric environment of the individual. What is good for the individual is good for society as a whole. Violence, indoctrination, deliberate lying, withholding information, humiliation, discrimination and other manipulative forms of treatment are condemned and prohibited.

3.9 No one may become the object of study, medical and social experiments, or administrative actions against his will and without his consent to participate in them. Coercion is permissible only in cases provided for by law.

3.10 The degree of individual maturity is determined by age, level of legal awareness, and intellectual development. The right to individuality implies individual responsibility in cases of unlawful acts and anti-constitutional activities. 

3.11 It recognizes the usefulness and equivalence of all forms of socialization of the individual: based on sexual, kinship, labor relations or congeniality of interests.

3.12 Persons whose partnerships are related to reproductive function (birth and upbringing of children) are obliged to undergo additional education and complete it by obtaining the appropriate certificate (diploma).

3.13 Forced collectivization and socialization are prohibited.

3.14 Linguistic diversity is recognized. Everyone has the right to use, develop and learn natural or artificial languages for communication, scientific or cultural activities.

3.15 The fundamental rights mentioned in the constitution do not deny or diminish other individual rights and freedoms.
Part 4. Public health care.

4.1 Recognizing the equivalence of all living forms and the self-value of life, it also recognizes the need to maintain healthy life forces and living forms, and to counteract the development of diseases, pathological conditions and parasitic, malignant forms of existence.

4.2 Mental health is the foundation of health. Everyone has the right to living conditions conducive to the preservation and promotion of mental health. Identification and prevention of mental diseases and pathological conditions is one of the main tasks of the public health care system and scientific institutions.

4.3 The principle of appropriateness is applied to meet the individual and specific needs necessary and sufficient to maintain the health and psychosocial well-being of each citizen. Everyone is obliged to lead a lifestyle that promotes good health, as well as to provide assistance to those who need it. People who have lost their health, minors, the elderly, and persons with disabilities are provided with the necessary social and medical assistance in accordance with the Public health care law.
Part 5. The legal basis of labor and economic activity.

5.1 The right to self-determination and free choice of occupation is a prerequisite for labor motivation. Since labor is the basis of the well-being of society, labor activity is encouraged and protected. Forced labor, slavery, the appropriation or malicious destruction of the work of others, work harmful to health and the environment, restrictions on education and professional training are prohibited.

5.2 The results of labor, goods of individual use, and property necessary and sufficient for a healthy lifestyle, professional activity, self-education, training, etc., shall not be subject to arbitrary alienation.

5.3 Land and other natural resources and objects cannot be the property of anyone. Only goods created by individual or collective labor, or acquired by equivalent exchange or donation, may be owned individually or collectively, and may be disposed of at one's discretion, individually or collectively.

5.4 Along with productive manufacturing activities, gifts and all forms of exchange are encouraged: exchange of information and genetic material in the process of communication and biosocial reproduction; resources and products in the process of distribution; assistance on the principle of reciprocity and conformity. At the same time, covetousness, hoarding, appropriation and other forms of asocial behavior are condemned and prohibited if the vice threatens the well-being of the community and the individual.

5.5 Economic activity is aimed to meet the real needs and demands of people, and is allowed only in the form and amount that does not violate the ecological and biospheric balance.

5.6 Production, distribution, exchange and services are carried out in accordance with the real needs of people and on the basis of scientifically sound calculations that take into account resources, consumption rates, permissible forms and dimensions of economic activity.

5.7 The allocation and use of human, raw material and energy resources for industrial and production activities takes place on a competitive basis, evaluating the efficiency of the use of resources and the social significance of activities (usefulness, necessity, priority).

5.8 The law on the use of natural resources, economic activity and environmental protection regulates certain aspects of these relations, and is aimed at harmonizing human society and its natural environment, overcoming their confrontation.
Part 6. Basic principles of political system.

6.1 Everyone has the right to participate in the political life of a community whose basic political principle is self-government.

6.2 The personal composition of self-governing bodies of an administrative kind is formed on the basis of competition to select the most competent, capable and educated people, who are assigned the collegial leadership and overall coordination of services and employees whose function is to ensure a public health (doctors), law and order among the local population (police), education (teachers), inspection of buildings and prevention of fire (fire department), etc.

6.3 Prerequisites for leading positions include, in addition to a university degree and professional experience, additional qualifications in psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, and related fields.

6.4 Public servants found guilty of committing crimes, abuse of their authority, incompetence, or anti-constitutional activities shall terminate their positions voluntarily or on the decision of the court.

6.5 Self-governing bodies of a representative kind are formed through the election of confidantes, who are charged with overseeing the administrative bodies of self-government, participating in conflict and dispute resolution, legislating, and carrying out other predetermined functions.

6.6 All bodies of local representative self-government and inter-regional cooperation are formed locally in order to prevent excessive centralization and managerial bureaucracy.

6.7 Elections and appointments to representative government bodies are made on a territorial basis in accordance with the procedure for the formation of convergent popular representation:

6.8 Any number of people united by a common place of residence elects a confidant; the various groups' confidants elect their confidant; the 3rd level confidants elect the 4th level confidants; and so on until the entire community is covered and the number of top level confidants does not exceed 100.

6.9 The main document certifying the validity of the entitlement and credentials of the people's representative is the protocol of his unanimous election.

6.10 Termination of appointment and recall from the representative body is carried out from below on the basis of new elections. The nomination of candidates, the control of their activities, and, if necessary, their revocation take place without intermediaries.

6.11 Administrative and representative bodies of self-government are basic, but not the only elements of the political order; they are supplemented by law enforcement bodies under the control of the people, by public organizations enjoying broad autonomy, educational and scientific institutions, enterprises, and other associations and organizations that are obliged to actively participate in the political life of the community as independent experts, supervisors, and other bodies performing other functions.

6.12 The work of local governments is supplemented by inter-regional coordination. Bodies providing inter-regional coordination are delegated only those functions, the effective implementation of which is impossible locally. They include coordination of activities of self-government, measures of healthcare, law enforcement, education; promotion of inter-regional scientific, economic and environmental programs and measures; foreign policy activities; collection and analysis of information about the regions, and formation of recommendations and forecasts of community development on its basis.

6.13 All activities of self-governing bodies shall be recorded and documents shall be published. In all documents of a political, administrative and legal kind, an indication of the start and end date, place of validity, and authorship is mandatory.
Part 7. Protection of the rule of law.

7.1 Comprehension of rightfulness, i.e. knowledge of what is right and what is wrong, is the basis for the preservation of the rule of law, and individual responsibility is the guarantee of the functioning of the political system of the constitutional order. Political decisions are made collectively and collegially on the basis of reliable, scientific knowledge, but everyone bears individual responsibility for the decisions made and the consequences of their implementation.

7.2 Every position entails duties, and duties entail responsibility. Irresponsibility of public servants is not allowed.

7.3 Responsibility implies auditability and accountability of organizations, communities, enterprises, heads of collectives and individuals engaged in productive, scientific, educational and other activities, all of whom are obliged to publish and make available to the controlling organizations information on the purpose, usefulness and public value of their activities, organizational structure, use of resources, and other relevant information.

7.4 Entrance of servants of the law enforcement agencies and organizations performing control functions to the territory and facilities of enterprises, institutions and organizations having a public character shall be provided at any time.

7.5 In order to prevent anti-constitutional concentration, monopolization, abuse, seizure and forcible retention of power, the creation of political parties, organizations involved in anti-constitutional activity, as well as secret political operations are prohibited.

7.6 Beliefs, religious convictions, adherence to and observance of cultural traditions, rituals and ceremonies are part of personal life and may not be imposed on others, become the basis of political decision-making, be binding, or in any way hinder the implementation of constitutional provisions.

7.7 The system of law enforcement promotes the exercise of individual rights. Since individuality is an inalienable right of everyone, the purpose of law is not to achieve equality, but to prevent lawlessness and arbitrariness against the individual. Therefore, the public good should never be the sole basis of law enforcement. Nor should the collective will violate individual rights.

7.8 Prevention of lawbreaking, early resolution of controversies in dialogue and contractual form, and prevention of conflicts are the main tasks of law enforcement agencies.

7.9 Law enforcement activities are coordinated by the procureur, who on the basis of reports of accidents, incidents and offenses situationally assesses, legally formalizes and assigns to the investigator, self-government bodies, physician, psychologist and other public servants the investigation, resolution of the conflict situation, taking preventive or therapeutic measures. The progress report is sent to the prosecutor, who reassesses the situation and makes an appropriate decision.

7.10 The court is a form of resolution of conflicts and litigations. The procureur decides to send a case to court in situations prescribed by the Law on Jurisdiction.

7.11 Everyone accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty (presumption of innocence).

7.12 Punishment as a measure of suppression of criminal activity should be applied only in cases of malicious violation of generally accepted norms and when there is a threat to the life, health and integrity of both the individual and the community. At the same time, the criminogenic prerequisites of the social environment must be identified and measures taken to eliminate them.

7.13 Torture, forced testimony, unjustified arrest and imprisonment, the usage of psychotropic substances, blackmail, and other illegal and anti-constitutional methods in the exercise of legal or any other activities are prohibited.
Part 8. Education, scientific and cultural activities.

8.1 Everyone is obliged continuously improve his or her intellectual and educational level throughout life. This provision is implemented by institutions of compulsory, basic and higher education/training; research institutes; public libraries and other sources of reliable information established and operating in accordance with the Law on education, professional training, pedagogical, scientific and technical activities.

8.2 Preschool, primary and secondary education are compulsory. The main forms are higher and professional education. Additional (qualificatory) forms of education are professional, scientific and other knowledge and skills, the acquisition of which is verified by an examination and certified by a diploma or academic title.

8.3 Regular forms of education/training and self-education are recognized as equal. The only criterion for successful completion of education is a test of internalization and understanding of the learned knowledge and acquired skills (exam).

8.4 Only information that does not violate the rights of the individual and does not contradict the provisions of the constitution shall be collected and published. Everyone has the right of access to information concerning him/herself and the community as a whole. Access to scientific, technical and other information is regulated by the relevant laws.
Part 9. Citizenship.

9.1 Every person who is of legal age, who recognizes this constitution, who wishes to follow its provisions and to participate in constitutional development, regardless of belonging to Russian culture, nationality, origin or place of residence, has the right to become part of the proclaimed community on the basis of a written will and in accordance with the Law on citizenship.

9.2 The citizenship of minors and persons declared insane is determined by parents, guardians, or servants of law enforcement or public health agencies.

9.3 An identity card is a basic identification document, proof of birth and nationality, ethnic and cultural affiliation, a source of information about biogenetic traits, and an indication of the possession of inalienable individual rights.

Creator: Dr. Andrej Poleev.
Enacted by Decree of February 26, 2017.

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