Articles in English, Spanish and Portuguese will be accepted, however consider that the Title and Abstract must be written in English and a second abstract in the language chosen.
The number of pages of the manuscripts is as follows: Conference Papers (3 to 4 pages - Short Papers) and Full Papers (6 to 8 pages).
Authors are invited to submit original articles reporting research in the area of Learning Technologies that has not been sended or published in another conference or journal. Therefore, it is advisable to use technological tools to evaluate the level of similarity of the final version that is sent.
The works will be subjected to an evaluation process (double blind peer review). Those who are accepted must be presented during the conference and will be published in the conference minutes book. The exhibition is mandatory for its final publication, so if it is not exposed, the article will be withdrawn from the final version of the procedures.
The best papers will be invited to send extended versions to important Latin American scientific journals, such as IEEE-RITA and EKS.