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ICG 2021 : International Conference on Gerontechnology 2021


When Nov 23, 2021 - Nov 25, 2021
Where Hybrid Conference
Submission Deadline Sep 27, 2021
Notification Due Oct 11, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 11, 2021
Categories    gerontechnology   technology   nursing   robot

Call For Papers

Date: 23 – 25 November 2021
Format: Online platform
Theme: Gerontechnology in COVID-19: experience and revelation
1. Invention of emerging gerontechnology
2. Application of technology in geriatric care
3. Policies facilitating the use of gerontechnology


Owing to the global increasing trend of life expectancy and low birth rate, population aging is widespread across the world. Gerontechnology is a fresh hope, which does not only promote independence among older adults but also enhances their quality of life.
With the great success of the First International Conference on Gerontechnology held in 2020, the coming conference will continue to serve as an interdisciplinary platform for local and overseas researchers, professionals, service providers, and users to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the development and use of gerontechnology. COVID-19 pandemic is impacting the global population in drastic ways, especially the older adults who are most susceptible to the infection. It is important to create opportunities to promote healthy aging in the era of COVID-19. Gerontechnology has played a vital role in helping them weather the storm during challenging times.

Our aims
1. Promote and enhance the understanding of gerontechnology among health care professionals;

2. Provide an interdisciplinary platform for local and overseas researchers, academics, service providers, and users to present and discuss their gerontechnological experience during the COVID-19 pandemic and the most recent innovations and trends in gerontechnology

3. Facilitate collaboration among stakeholders and develop user-friendly products for older adults

4. Provide ideas on the drafting of government policy that facilitates the development of gerontechnology.

Call for Papers

We are pleased to invite authors to submit abstracts related to the following conference topics:

In the era of COVID-19

- Adoption of gerontechnology in hospital/ community settings
- Adoption of gerontechnology for enhancing the quality of life of the older adults
- Adoption of gerontechnology for enhancing the care for the older adults
- Theoretical models guiding the use of gerontechnology
- Use of gerontechnology for psychological support
- Use of gerontechnology in managing psychiatric disorders
- Technologies to empower mind training for older adults
- Use of AI and robotics
- Other topics relevant to the conference

Important Date

Abstract submission deadline: 27 Sep 2021

Notification of abstract acceptance: 11 Oct 2021

Guidelines: for abstract submission, please follow the abstract guidelines

Submission Guidelines
1. The abstract should be submitted through the online system – EasyChair.
2. The material in the abstract should be of original work. Abstracts previously published or presented will not be accepted.
3. The abstract must be relevant to one of the conference sub-themes and one of the conference topics: Authors will be asked to indicate which of the sub-themes and conference topics are most appropriate for their presentation.
4. Either paper or poster should be chosen as the presentation method.
5. The abstract should be written in English.
6. The abstract text is limited to a maximum of 300 words excluding title and details of the authors.
7. If the abstract is to report a research study, the structure of the abstract should be as follows: (1) Title, (2) Aims, (3) Methods, (4) Results, and (5) Conclusion.
8. All abstracts will be reviewed by the conference programme committee. All authors will be notified of the decision by the committee. The author of accepted abstracts is required to register for the conference.

Abstract Submission link:

For any questions about submissions, please email for assistance.

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