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ECSM 2022 : 9th European Conference on Social Media


When May 12, 2022 - May 13, 2022
Where Pedagogical University of Krakow, Poland
Submission Deadline Oct 20, 2021
Categories    social media in business   social media in education   the networked citizen   monitoring and evaluating soci

Call For Papers

ocial media is being adopted and applied in almost every area of human activity, be it for personal applications, in education, for commercial applications or in the public sector. The rapid uptake of social media is related to many factors including its ease of use and adaptability to different devices. However, it also poses some challenges and problems that need to be addressed and discussed. Taking this into consideration ECSM seeks to establish a home for researchers and practitioners with a wide range of approaches to engaging with the impact, use and potential of social media across disciplines. The conference committee welcomes contributions on a wide array of topics using a range of scholarly approaches including theoretical and empirical papers employing qualitative, quantitative and critical methods.

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