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CFP for DIKW 2021 : 2021 International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom (DIKW 2021)


When Dec 17, 2021 - Dec 19, 2021
Where Haikou, China
Submission Deadline Sep 1, 2021
Notification Due Oct 1, 2021
Categories    computer science   AI   knowledge graph   IOT

Call For Papers

2021 International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom
(DIKW 2021)

Haikou, 17-19 December 2021


Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom, in short (DIKW), have been used widely as natural language marking terms in various domains for the purposes of expressing understandings. However there are still no unified understandings over the meaning of the DIKW concepts. Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom as a whole concept of DIKW is also missing unified understandings of the relationships among them. Therefore there has been proposals and models of DIKW as “layered hierarchy”, “architecture”, “framework”, “network”, “thinking mode”, “style”, “pattern”, “style”, “theory”, “methodology”, “model”, “graph”, etc.

Current scientific researches and engineering practices, as long as they aim at solving complexity based on precision and correction of conceptual sharing, are advancing ahead relying more and more on the solidification of the conceptual foundation. For example, to approaching strong AI involving art and social science in the direction of explainable AI, using current machine learning practice will need firstly not labeling ambiguous conceptual objects but identifying and clarifying the semantics of the concepts, possibly as advocated by Ludwig Wittgenstein, in an objective manner if possible.

Recently AI practices have already been approaching multiple modals learning targets in terms of voice, picture, text, etc, rapidly, in various domains not limited to neuroscience, biology, medicine, industrial 4.0, digital twins, security and privacy protection, design, etc. These approaches cover crossing multiple modals labeling, understanding, searching, reasoning, modification and especially and most recently embedding technologies in the form of various DIKW integration Machine Learning extensions. A foreseeable AI landscape with explainable and interactive human interactions is becoming feasible based on DIKW premises.

From the cognitive perspective, we propose to use multiple-modals for DIKW concepts as that Data modal as entity records of observations or abstraction of individual information with specific purposes, Information modal as purpose oriented relationships among DIKW targets, Knowledge modal as information typed with hypothesis of completeness, and Wisdom modal as human value bundled information. Towards the unification landscape of science and social science pictured in “Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge” by Dr. Edward O. Wilson, as DIKW modals are increasingly recognized as an important approach to solving problems related to semantic understanding beyond various question and answering systems, we are feeling more than ever the need to start by investigating on the necessary of unification of DIKW concepts in the background of relationship defined everything of semantics (RDXS) towards solving essence oriented computation and reasoning activities.

There might also be the cases that there will be new mode of Strong AI explorations such as we will not need to reach explicit unified understandings of the core concepts such as DIKW in the form of objective semantics but partially in the form of subjective semantics, which will still need supports or justification from crossing multiple disciplines, not limited to epistemology, cognitive psychology, philosophy, biology, social biology, etc.

Under this background, 2021 International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom (DIKW 2021), which is co-organized by Hainan Association for Science and Technology and the DIKW research group of Hainan University, aims to bring together scientists, researchers, and industrial engineers to discuss and exchange experimental and theoretical results, novel designs, work-in-progress and case studies on theories, design mechanisms and extensions on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom interactions in all areas, in all phases, empirical or theoretical solutions. We hope you will join us for the great gathering of outstanding science, engineering, and technology, and look forwards to seeing you in the beautiful city Haikou!

DIKW 2021 will be hosted in Haikou. Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Province which located in southernmost part of China with the land area of 2284.49 square kilometers and the sea area of 861.44 square kilometers. Haikou is a tropical island city and comprises Hainan Island, Haidian island and Xinbu island. Haikou has a comfortable climate and first-class ecological environment, thus it is a world-renowned resort that attracts many people to visit each year.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Application of Knowledge Representation Techniques to Semantic Modeling
Big Data and Inter Edge-Cloud Computing
Cooperation in Heterogeneous Systems
Data Integration, Metadata Management, and Interoperability
Data, Information and Knowledge Sharing
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Data Models, Information Semantics, Query languages
Data Provenance, Cleaning, Curation
Data Stream Systems and Sensor Networks
Data Visualization and Interactive Data Exploration
Database Privacy, Security, Trust and Design
Development and Management of Heterogeneous Knowledge Bases
Digital Libraries
Domain Modeling and Ontology-Building
Data, Information and Knowledge Security
Information Storage and Retrieval and Interface Technology
Management of Data, Information and Knowledge Hybrid Systems
Multimedia and Crossmodals “Databases”
Optimization Techniques of DIKW applications
Theories of DIKW Models and Performance Evaluation Approaches

Workshop Proposal Due:
1 August, 2021
Paper Submission Deadline:
1 September, 2021
Authors Notification:
1 October, 2021
Final Manuscript Due:
1 November, 2021
Conference Date:
17-19 December, 2021

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference submission website with PDF format.All the registered and presented papers will be included in the volume of Conference Proceeding tentatively, which will be submitted to Engineering Village, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (WoS) and other databases for review and indexing.(All is subject to the final publication and indexing results) *Conference proceeding will be online publishing.

Selected papers with great extension will be recommended to publish in special issue on "Crossing “Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom” Models—Challenges, Solutions, and Recommendations", Information(ISSN 2078-2489), which will be submitted to Scopus (Elsevier), Ei Compendex, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI-Web of Science), etc for review and indexing.

All the submitted papers will be peer reviewed by 2-3 reviewers. It takes 20-30 days for the result coming out. If the paper needs revising, it should be resubmitted for peer review again. For papers which accepted by DIKW 2021, we offer options for publishing as follows:

All the registered and presented papers will be included in the volume of Conference Proceeding tentatively, which will be submitted to Engineering Village, Scopus, Thomson Reuters (WoS) and other databases for review and indexing.(All is subject to the final publication and indexing results)

*Conference proceeding will be online publishing. Only presented paper can be included in conference proceeding. conference committee reserves the right to refuse publication of paper without presenting at conference.

Related Resources

DIKW 2025   The 5th IEEE International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom
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ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
SPIE-Ei/Scopus-DMNLP 2025   2025 2nd International Conference on Data Mining and Natural Language Processing (DMNLP 2025)-EI Compendex&Scopus
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CNIOT 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2025) -EI Compendex
Ei/Scopus-ITNLP 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Natural Language Processing (ITNLP 2025)
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IEEE CACML 2025   2025 4th Asia Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Machine Learning (CACML 2025)