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ICMR 2022 : Chaos, Complexity, and Resilience: Business and Society in Pandemic Context


When Feb 26, 2022 - Feb 27, 2022
Where Bhubaneswar
Abstract Registration Due Sep 15, 2021
Submission Deadline Jan 3, 2022
Notification Due Feb 10, 2022
Final Version Due Feb 15, 2022

Call For Papers

Call for Paper (CFP) for “2nd International Conference on Management Research”
Date: Feb 26-27 (Saturday-Sunday), 2022. Organized by KIIT School of Management, KIIT Deemed to be University

Authors Guideline
1. Each paper must indicate the sub-theme to which the paper belongs (refer
2. Author details must be available for each authors
a. Name, contact number, email id, affiliation, address
3. Abstracts can be submitted for acceptance and review. The abstract should be detailed enough to make a decision. The main article can be submitted later.
4. Authors should indicate the paper type: Empirical/ Conceptual/ Review/ or any other
5. Paper should have a structured abstract
6. Keywords: 5-6
7. Suggested format
a. Title
b. Abstract (200-250 words)
c. Introduction
d. Literature review
e. Research objective
f. Methodology
g. Analysis/ Discussion (Should include relevance, theoretical and social contribution, and future scope)
h. Conclusion
8. Referencing and in-text citation style: APA 7th edition
9. Article should not be normally not less than 5000 words
10. Table, graphs, figures must be numbered with captions (above the Table/ Figure/ Graph) and should be referred to in the text and should be within the article.
11. Papers will be checked for plagiarism and sent for double-blind review. All papers should be written in 12 point Times New Roman and justified. The line spacing should be 1.5 and there should be space after paragraphs.
The review comments are to be included subsequently and re-submitted within the prescribed time limit.
12. At least two suggested reviewers (Name, Contact number, Email id, and affiliations). The suggested reviewers should not be from the same organization as that of any authors. Though the names of the reviewers are asked for, it is not necessary that the article will be sent to them.

Link for Paper submission: Check the url:

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