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IT & Management (Springer) 2021 : Special Issue Title: Evolving Software Process Paradigms: Trends and Future Directions


When N/A
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Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    software engineering   software process   agile methods   devops

Call For Papers

Journal: Information Technology and Management (Springer)
Special Issue Title: Evolving Software Process Paradigms: Trends and Future Directions

Aims and scope of this special issue
The development of a software system is becoming a complex job due to the increasing demand of continuous software development (DevOps), competitive market, use of agile practices and globally distributed environment. Majority of the software development firms are struggling to follow the concepts of continuous and agile software development methods in distributed environment. Moreover, managing the software processes in continuous, agile and globally distributed environment becomes challenging and it cannot be achieved using the traditional software process improvement approaches. Therefore, software process management are far from being mature, and are often limited to expensive trial-and-error exercises. The mature software process improvement and capabilities determination approach could assist an organization to successfully execute the software development activities towards ensuring quality in the software.

The aim of this special issue is to provide a platform for both practitioners and researchers to discuss the research studies for managing the software process aspects including managerial, organizational, economic and technical. This issue will provide an opportunity to present the empirical evidences using available managerial, organization, economic and technical strategies of software processes, as well propose new techniques, tools, frameworks and approaches to maximize the significance of software process management.

Suggested topics, this special issue will endeavor, include (but are not limited to) the following:
* Managing the human factors in software processes
* Implementing security issues in software processes
* Adopting Agile and DevOps processes in the industry
* Data science for process management
* Simulation and modelling of software processes
* Software process assessment and improvement maturity models/standards
* Software process measurement towards ensuring software quality
* Implementing software process improvement and capability determination
* Managing software processes for cloud environment
* Managing process improvement activities in the domain of global software engineering
* Trust and socialization in software process management
* Organizing potential risks in software processes
* Machine learning techniques for managing the software processes
* Empirical studies conducted for software processes using quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods

Submission Timeline:
Submission deadline: October 30, 2021
First-round decision: December 31, 2021 
Deadline for Revised Papers: February 28, 2022
Final Acceptance: April 15, 2022

For submission guidelines, follow this link

More details about this special issue can be found here

Guest Editors
Associate Professor Deepti Mishra, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway 
Professor Alok Mishra, Molde University College (Specialized University in Logistics), Norway & Atilim University, Turkey 
Associate Professor Arif Ali Khan, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China 
Professor Liguo Yu, Indiana University, South Bend, USA 
Dr. Abhijeet Ghoshal, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA 
Dr. Hao Xia, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

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