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CFP BADIOU 2021 : BADIOU - ontology and politics - abstracts due 30th July


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD

Call For Papers

This special issue will focus on two of the most crucial aspects of Badiou’s thinking: ontology and politics. On the one hand, the set theory-based ontology laid out in Being and Event (1988), and the concepts associated with it (‘void’, ‘event’, etc.), has remained at the centre of Badiou’s successive speculation, thus representing the bedrock of his system through to the publication of L’immanence des vérités. L’être et l’événement III (2018), which concluded his 3 volumes magnum opus. On the other hand, politics always played a major role in the unfolding of Badiou’s theoretical trajectory and is –when compared to the other ‘conditions’ for philosophy – by far the most elaborated and prominent one (Bosteels 2011, xvii). We solicit papers exploring the dimensions of ontology and politics, both on their own and in their intertwinement.

We will welcome articles on the following topics:

• Badiou’s mathematical ontology of pure multiplicity;
• The philosophical significance of the notions of truth and subject in relation to the philosophical tradition;
• The role of universality in Badiou’s philosophy
• The role played by politics in the development of his ontology and the political stakes of his mathematical ontology;
• Badiou and Marxism;
• Convergences/divergences between Badiou’s ontology and politics and other contemporary radical thinkers;
• The relationship between Badiou’s ontology and the Heideggerian legacy (broadly construed);
• Badiou’s relationship with the so called French Theory;
• Critiques to/appropriations of Badiou’s thought by cultural studies, feminist theory, queer studies, race studies.
• Badiou’s engagement with the history of philosophy and its significance for the development of his system.
Papers focusing on Badiou’s most recent works are especially welcome.

Submission Timeline

• Abstracts with provisional title should be around 500 words and submitted in either .doc or .pdf. Abstracts should be written in English.
• Please include in your email your name and university affiliation
• Deadline for Abstracts is july 30th, 2021
• Authors will be notified whether they are invited to submit full papers for peer-review by August 15th, 2021.
• Full papers (no longer than 10,000 words) will be due by January 15th, 2022. Languages accepted: English, French, Spanish
Abstracts should be sent to Special Issue Editors Giorgio Bertolotti ( and Stefano Pippa (, Department of Human Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, specifying in the object ‘Abstract Síntesis. Revista de filosofía 2022’

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