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WSensing @LADC 2021 : 1st Workshop on Security, Privacy and Reliability on Wireless Sensing Networks


When Nov 22, 2021 - Nov 22, 2021
Where Florianópolis, SC - Brazil
Submission Deadline Sep 5, 2021
Notification Due Sep 24, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 5, 2021

Call For Papers

Call for Papers - WSensig @LADC 2021

1st Workshop on Security, Privacy and Reliability on Wireless Sensing Networks

The Workshop will be placed with the 10h Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC) that will be held in Florianópolis, Brazil, from 22-26 November.

* Contribution submissions

Current wireless sensing networks are widely used in a range of applications, such as agriculture, healthcare, and smart cities. The evolution of new physical and virtual wireless networks brings new challenges with the emergence of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Cyber Human Systems (CHS), especially in the context of the industry 4.0 leverage, including environmental, power and motion monitoring. Such solutions generate massive amounts of data through the sensing provided by the various systems, which need to be transmitted over the networks, many of which support real-time decisions under dense environments. In this context, these systems need to be reliable and provide security and privacy in their services.

The WSensing workshop aims to bring together leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry, to advance the state-of-the-art and to identify open challenges on Security, Privacy and Reliability in the range of the Wireless Sensing Networks.

Papers must be original and unpublished, and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere concurrently.
Accepted contributions will be published by IEEE digital library.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Wireless Networks:
-Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN)
-Internet of Things (IoT)
-Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET)
-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)
-Mobile Networks
-Opportunistic Networks
-Mobile Edge Computing
-5G e B5G Networks and Services

-Security/Privacy Policies
-Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers
-Automated Driving Systems (ADS)
-Distributed Machine Learning
-Resilient Systems
-Threat Detection and Protection
-Trusted Execution Environments
-Low-energy Protocols

-Smart Cities
-Smart Grids
-Industrial communication
-Habitat monitoring
-Health care
-Cybersecurity environments
-Integrated networks environment

* Important Dates
-Contribution submission: September 5th, 2021.
-Author notification: September 24th, 2021.
-Camera Ready: October 5th, 2021.

* Submission Guidelines
Papers must be original and unpublished, and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere concurrently. All paper submissions should follow the IEEE 8.5″ x 11″ Two-Column Format.

-Full papers: up to 6 pages (including references), with consistent results;
-Short papers: up to 4 pages (including references), presenting work in progress.

Accepted contributions will be published by IEEE digital library.

Aldri Luiz dos Santos, UFMG, Brazil
Luiz Antonio Rodrigues, UNIOESTE, Brazil

Related Resources

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