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AHPC 2021 : 2021 International Conference on Advances in High-Performance Computing (AHPC)


When Nov 15, 2021 - Nov 18, 2021
Where Oklahoma City, OK, USA and Online
Abstract Registration Due Aug 17, 2021
Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2021
Categories    HPC

Call For Papers

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies, we fell behind our schedule in making this Call for Papers months earlier due to difficulties in securing a location that provides ample space for social distancing.]
--- 1st Call for Abstracts and Papers -------------
2021 OkIP International Conference on Advances in High-Performance Computing (AHPC)
MNTC Conference Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
November 15-18, 2021

AHPC aims to bring together scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds to emphasize the dissemination of ongoing research and development in the field. Proposals are solicited describing original works in fields below and related technologies.
AHPC will include a peer-reviewed program of technical, industrial, and poster sessions. Accepted and presented full papers from the tracks below will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted for indexation in major abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature. Extended versions of best papers will be considered for the inaugural issue of the International Journal of Information Technology Research ISSN 1553-653X.

)) HPC Concepts
- High-Performance Computing (HPC)
- Performance | Scalability | Virtualization
- Visualization | Simulation | Modelisation
- Prediction | Program Optimization | Workloads
- Algorithms | Networks | Efficiency |Scheduling
- Compiler Design and Technologies
- HPC Components and Technologies
- Data Management and Transport | Compilation
- Load Balancing | Resource Management
- Fault Tolerance | Reliability | Availability
- Multicore Algorithms | Operating System
- Software Design and Implementations
- Asynchronous Methods | Interconnects
- Interconnections | Distributed Computing
- High Scalability Computing | Accelerators
- High-Performance Modeling/Software/Tools
- Routing Protocols | Quality of Service
- Allocation Framework | Benchmarks |...

)) Parallel Computing
- Parallelism | Automatic Parallelization
- Programming Languages/Libraries/Tools
- Programing Models/Environments
- Parallel Metaheuristics/Application-Behavior
- Parallel/Distributed Algorithms/Architectures
- Energy Factors/Technological Factors
- Partitioning and Optimal Scheduling
- Systems Performance/Potential/Efficiency
- Distributed/Heterogeneous Systems
- System Synergy and Optimization
- Advances in Parallel Models/Systems/Tools

)) Mobile &Wireless Computing
- Communication Modeling/Designing/Analysis
- Mobile Communication Prediction/Control
- Mobile/Wireless Systems-of-Systems
- Mobile/Wireless Software and Hardware
- Heterogeneous Wireless Networks
- Medical Alert Devices/Privacy Consideration
- Wireless Sensor Network | IoT Platforms
- Mobile Network Loss Issues
- Ultra-Dense Networks | Mobile Performance
- Sensor Networks and Embedded Applications
- Innovative Mobile/Wireless Networks/Systems

)) Network Architecture/System
- Interconnection Networks and Architectures
- Memory Architecture Evaluation
- I/O, File Systems, and Memory System
- Power-Efficiency | Systems-on-Chip
- System Modeling Methodologies
- Fault-Tolerant Algorithms/Systems
- Scalable Servers and Systems
- Shared Memory Implementation
- Memory Exploitation/Management Techniques
- Network Storage Systems and Services
- Cluster Management/Architecture
- Heterogeneous Architectures/Accelerators
- Multi/Many Core/CPU Framework/Systems
- Micro-Architecture Techniques
- Reconfigurable Architectures/Systems

)) HPC AI/Simulation/Security
- Surrogate Modeling | Machine Learning
- Neural Architecture Performance
- Deep Learning | Agent-based Modeling
- Intelligent Algorithm| Artificial Neural Network
- Distributed Deep Learning Systems
- Hybrid/Complex System Modeling/Simulation
- Advanced/Stochastic Simulation Frameworks
- Security, Policy, and Management Issues
- Configuration, Policy, and Management issues
- Graph Partitioning/Analysis/Analytics
- Spiking Neural P Systems | Data Integrity
- Enabling Blockchain-as-a-Service
- Fuzzy Logic Approach | Streaming Algorithms
- Association Rule Mining | Anomaly Detection
- Big Data Analytics and Applications

)) HPC Applications
- HPC Applications and Case Studies
- Grid/Cloud/Fog/Bio-inspired Computing
- Scientific/Engineering/Commercial Workloads
- Augmented/Virtual Reality
- Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, and Finance
- Space Research, Urban Planning, and Energy
- Teleimmersion | Collaborative Applications
- Media/Entertainment Industry | Visualization
- Workflow Management | HPC Resiliency
- Advanced Computational Methods/Applications

)) Technical Research & Industry Contribution
- Full Paper: Accomplished research results (6 pages)
- Short Paper: Work in progress/fresh developments (3 pages)
- Poster/Journal First: Displayed/Oral presented (1 page)

)) Corporate Showcase & Exhibition
- Booth: Display product and/or service offerings (1 page)
- Oral: Present product and/or service offerings (1 page)

)) Student Poster & Career Fair
- Graduate & Doctoral: Peer-reviewed Poster (1 page)
- Undergraduate/High School: Selected Poster (1 page)
- Recruiter Booth: Product/Service & Job offerings (1 page)

)) Workshop, Tutorial, Forum & Panel
- Workshop, Tutorial & Tour: Proposal (1 page)
- Executive Forum, Panel & Talk: Proposal (1 page)

)) Important Dates:
- Submission: Aug 31, 2021
- Notification: Sep 26, 2021
- Conference: Nov 15-18, 2021

)) Technical Program Committee

)) Venue

)) Co-located Conferences and Events

)) For more information, submission details, and important dates visit:

Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry at:

Pierre Tiako
2021 OkIP AHPC General Chair

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