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AKECH 2021 : The Annual Kurultai on the Endangered Cultural Heritage, 4th edition, Constanta-Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan, hybrid conference


When Oct 1, 2021 - Oct 31, 2021
Where Constanta&Central Asia&virtual(hybrid)
Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2021
Notification Due Sep 15, 2021
Final Version Due Nov 30, 2021
Categories    humanities   social sciences   linguistics   cultural studies

Call For Papers

This year the Annual Kurultai of the Endangered Cultural Heritage – AKECH 2021 is withstanding the COVID-19 crisis by extending to Central Asia.
The conference includes plenary sessions, workshops, round-table discussions, and other events that will take place in Constanta, Romania, and cities in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. Some of the events will take place in the virtual space. Much of the program will be self-generated by the seminar organizers and paper submitters, faculty, and graduate students who will propose seminars and papers via our web pages.

AKECH 2021 is accompanied by The Festival of the Endangered Cultural Heritage – FECH 2021, taking place between 1-31 October 2021. This year, FECH will feature free hybrid events, live and live online, for any age – including shows, readings, recitals, workshops, masterclasses, musical performances, and dance. FECH 2021 intends to be an opportunity for indigenous peoples to express their identity, culture, traditions, and knowledge. Most of the program will be self-generated by its participants. To propose participation in the festival, please contact the Secretariat at

Anticus Multicultural Association, in conjunction with its partners in Romania, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.

Dates of the Conference
The conference will take place between October 1st and October 31st, 2021.

We are committed to standing against COVID-19 by expanding this conference to Central Asia. After the last event held in the virtual space, this time, we are bringing in a series of hybrid sessions streamed from Romania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan. The participants may choose either In-Person Presentation or Virtual Presentation through Zoom online video conferencing. The full article will be published and indexed in the AKECH Journal.

The theme of our conference is „The Road Back to Normality.” We aim to promote interactions, motivate discussions, and encourage collaborations among the global community on subjects relevant to the recovery of the indigenous languages, traditions, and cultures.

We organize the Kurultai in the spirit of communion, as we live imperative times. International scholars, independent researchers, artists, and activists should fear the potential disappearance of cultures, languages, traditions, and memories. They should engage in shared dialogues towards generating a world-changing impact and a better future. The future should be rooted in a better understanding of history and a multitudinous cultural present.

At AKECH 2021, we agree that many problems affecting cultural heritage require insights and problem-solving skills from many disciplines, perspectives, and practices. We realize that no overall theme can accommodate the great variety of interests around the issues relating to endangered cultural heritage.
Therefore, we invite contributions that address current cultural heritage issues from a great variety of disciplines in the arts, humanities, and sciences. We encourage the lovers of literature, language, anthropology, psychology, history, biology, human geography, film studies, art, computer science, political science, physics, and all other areas of study, to feel welcome in attending this conference and in submitting a seminar proposal or a paper.

While the plenary sessions will be held in English, panels accept either English, Romanian, Tatar, or its related Central Asian languages.

We welcome proposals for (1) entire panels and (2) individual papers.

Organized panels
The Program Committee approves pre-arranged and open panels. No panel may have more than 50% of graduate students, and none may have more than two participants from the same institution.
Please send your abstract of no more than 500 words to The deadline is 31 July 2021

Individual papers
Papers will be allocated 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. You can propose your paper to the panel which is the best fit for it or to an open panel.
Please submit your paper with an abstract of no more than 300 words on our webpage at:

or send it by e-mail to The deadline is 31 August 2021.

Notification Due
All those invited to present will be informed by 15 September 2021.

Conference Proceedings
To be published in the conference proceedings, the deadline for the submission of the final paper is 30 November 2021.

Travel Grants
We cannot offer travel grants this year, but we will waive the conference fee for invitees and participants needing financial assistance.

The registration fee is €135, payable after notification of acceptance. The deadline is 30 September 2021.

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