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TSINH 2021 : Their Story is Not His-story: Tracing the Distance between Two Voices


When Jun 5, 2021 - Jul 10, 2021
Where Atlanta
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    postcolonial   third world   literary studies

Call For Papers

“The emperor very much desires that his story should be received as an evident communal truth” (Caryl Phillips, Color Me English)
If history is written by the mighty (metaphorically signified by the “emperor”), then how do the voices of the non-mighty come as a fissure to deconstruct the emperor’s narratives? How does the history of women or transgender represented by men are construed or misconstrued historically or presently in the third-world countries? Could the historical and current representations of oppression of the marginalized women and transgender by men be any better than a socially structured fallacy?
This Special Session welcomes submissions on any aspect of historically or racially gender-discrimination, in which the lack of representation is traced with the potential causes for the lack. By measuring the distance between the two voices (the oppressor and the oppressed) in literary studies in the third-world countries, a discourse around oppression and its lack of representation is engendered. This venture invites to deconstruct the narratives of oppression which tag it as a thing of the past. Abstracts addressing the conference theme are especially welcome. By July 10, 2021, please submit an abstract of no more than 250 words, a brief bio, and any A/V or scheduling requests to Shabana Sayeed, PhD Student and GTA, Georgia State University, at

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