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AJLS 2021 : Ahwaz Journal of Linguistics Studies


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    linguistics

Call For Papers

Call for Papers

Ahwaz Journal of Linguistics Studies
(Peer-Reviewed International Quarterly Journal)
(ISSN: 2717-2643)

For more information, please visit the journal website:

The journal welcomes submissions in English, Arabic or Persian in any of the relevant fields:
A) Linguistics (Any issue related to either theoretical or applied linguistics)
B) Languages and dialects (Any linguistic issue related languages and dialects)
C) Translation (Any translation and interpreting issue related to languages and dialects)
D) Religious linguistics (Any linguistic study related to religious texts and speeches)

Please feel free to write if there is any query.
The AJLS Secretariat,
Ahwaz 61335-4619 Iran
Tel: (+98) 61-32931199
Fax: (+98) 61-32931198
Mobile: (+98) 916-5088772 (WhatsApp Number)

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