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WissOrg 2021 : Wissensorganisation 2021


When Oct 29, 2021 - Oct 29, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Jul 17, 2021
Notification Due Sep 17, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 22, 2021
Categories    knowledge organization   classification   knowledge graphs   ontologies

Call For Papers

“Wissensorganisation” is the name of a series of biennial conferences/workshops with a long tradition organized by the German chapter of the International Society of Knowledge Organization (ISKO).

Knowledge Organization is a discipline with a long standing tradition. Traditional Knowledge Organization focusses on the definition, description and organization of knowledge in libraries, archives, databases, scientific domains, etc. With modern communication techniques, users expect knowledge to be available and instantly accessible from different sources, different disciplines and different sectors of society. Thus traditional Knowledge Organization is confronted with new requirements regarding structured and flexible knowledge representations that support knowledge discovery from disparate sources and inferencing over the many pieces of information.

The aim of this year’s conference is to discuss the relations between traditional Knowledge Organization, digitalization of knowledge resources and knowledge graphs. Knowledge graphs aim to make knowledge about and relations between publications explicit and thus follow similar goals as traditional Knowledge Organization. Moreover, the construction of knowledge graphs can both benefit from the detailed and carefully designed topic structures developed in knowledge organizations systems like ontologies and thesauri as well as from the vast amount of resources annotated with concepts from these systems. On the other hand, knowledge graphs use many concepts and techniques that are not found in traditional knowledge organization but can substantially inspire the development of Knowledge Organization Systems for use in the digital era.

We therefore invite the community to a discussion in which we will try to analyze how these new methods can be integrated with classical indexing systems. Furthermore, we want to foster the exchange of ideas between different communities. The conference is intended as well for researchers working in Knowledge Organization, data organization, description and visualization who want to discuss problems and synergies as for researchers coming from the area of linked data, semantic web and knowledge graphs that want to discuss similarities, differences and potential synergy between different research paradigms.

Topics include but are not limited to:

Knowledge graphs and linked data
Scientific Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge Organization Systems for Understanding, Sense-Making, and Learning
Knowledge Representation
Classification Schemes, Taxonomies, and Categorization Schemes
Thesauri, Semantic Networks and Ontologies
Engineering and Management Aspects of Knowledge Organization
Knowledge Modeling and Engineering
Organization of Unstructured Information
Web Indexing and Social Tagging
Automatic Categorization and Indexing

Related Resources

KEOD 2024   16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
KaRS 2024   Sixth Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop (KaRS 2024)
ICWI 2024   23rd International Conference WWW/Internet