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IEEE AIPR 2021 : IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition


When Oct 12, 2021 - Oct 14, 2021
Where Washington, D.C., USA
Submission Deadline Aug 15, 2021
Categories    computer vision   pattern recognition   artificial intelligence   medicine and healthcare

Call For Papers

50th IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR 2021)
Workshop Theme: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Healthcare, and Neuroscience

Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.
October 12-14, 2021
Workshop Chairs:
- Travis Axtell, Ball Aerospace
- Josh Harguess, Mitre
Program Chairs:
- Stefan Jaeger, National Institutes of Health
- Filiz Bunyak, University of Missouri
- Chris Ward, Naval Information Warfare Center

AIPR continues the half-century of success and tradition in pioneering new topics in applied image and visual understanding. The current worldwide pandemic focuses our collective attention on artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and biomedicine to improve healthcare. Healthcare systems around the world are being challenged and experiencing a large influx of patients requiring intensive monitoring. Researchers are working on near-term and long-term projects to bring relief to clinical providers with enhanced automation capability to assist in patient monitoring, rapid diagnosis, and drug discovery. Large medical databases are offering new opportunities to accelerate the adoption of AI and improve medical outcomes. The 2021 IEEE AIPR Workshop will explore artificial intelligence in medicine, healthcare, and neuroscience. It will feature three special sessions on Machine Learning for Cryo-Electron Microscopy, Signal Analysis and Modeling in Neuroscience, and Digital Pathology Image Analytics. In addition to papers on regular AIPR topics in applied imagery, the Workshop Committee invites papers that address all aspects of medical and biomedical AI, development of novel tools, methodologies, algorithms, theory, and mechanisms for biomedicine, healthcare, and neuroscience.

Theme topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- AI-based medical imaging for COVID-19 detection, outcome prediction, or monitoring
- Deep learning and AI for medicine, computer aided diagnosis, biology, drug discovery
- Medical image classification, segmentation, and registration
- Connectomics, brain imaging, fMRI, neural circuitry, neuropathologies
- Multiscale biological and biomedical signal and image analysis
- Deep neural networks for pathology, radiology, and microscopy
- Robotics technologies for medical and biomedical applications
- Biomedical analysis for clinical imaging and informatics
- Data mining and image retrieval for biomedical imagery
- Personalized healthcare, electronic health records, translational and precision medicine
- Geospatial epidemiology and healthcare
- Pattern recognition for early identification of viral contagions
- Patient monitoring, wearable devices, and multi-sensor multimodal diagnostics
- Regional healthcare lessons learned in pandemics
- Advances in statistical image processing
- Novel uses of differentiable programming in developing AI systems
- Ubiquitous sensors and their impact on biomedical measurements
- Conducting medical imaging science with urgency

Special Sessions:

- Special session on 50 years of AIPR: What’s Past is Prologue – Historical review, Notable papers & trends
- Machine Learning for Cryo-Electron Microscopy Session Chairs: Tommi White (University of Missouri) and Alberto Bartesaghi (Duke University). Topic keywords: Cryo-electron microscopy, cryo-EM, Single particle analysis, SPA, single particle reconstruction, SPR, cryo-electron tomography, cryoET, particle detection, particle picking, image regularization, semantic tomogram segmentation, continuous heterogeneity, transformation invariant classification, latent space representations.
- Signal analysis and modeling in neuroscience Session Chairs: Jing Wang (University of Missouri) and Ilker Ozden (University of Missouri). Topic Keywords: Methods for analyzing neural signals, large scale neural data, neural dynamics, functional imaging, neural circuitry, fMRI, EEG, electrophysiology, population spiking, Machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, computation models of the brain, connectomics, disease models and neuropathologies.
- Digital pathology image analytics

Deadline for abstracts: We will be reviewing papers and sending acceptance decisions until August 15.

The Workshop will include oral and poster presentations, several keynote talks that provide in-depth overviews of the fields, and a special session. Written papers will be required (due after the workshop) and will be indexed in IEEEXplore. AIPR 2021, the 50th annual workshop, is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and organized by the AIPR Workshop Committee with generous support from sponsors. Updates and additional information can be found at

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