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ScalCom 2021 : The 21st IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom 2021)


Conference Series : International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications
When Oct 19, 2021 - Oct 21, 2021
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Jun 4, 2021
Notification Due Jul 14, 2021

Call For Papers

Call for Papers: The 21st IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom 2021)
October 18-21, 2021, Atlanta, USA.

Co-Located with IEEE Smart World Congress 2021.


Paper Submission: June 4, 2021
Paper Acceptance Notification: July 9, 2021
Camera-ready Deadline: November July 30, 2021


Scalability is one of the key evaluation criteria of computing systems. In particular, scalability is essential in HPC systems. High scalability represents a kind of elasticity, which can guarantee high throughput, small delay and high performance. Additionally, with the need to process data deluge and to solve difficult or large-scale problems, new architectures like computing accelerator, e.g., GPU and MIC have appeared. Improvements to these architectures are still needed in order to use them in large scale heterogeneous systems. Similarly, new parallel algorithms, software, and tools are needed to improve scalability.

The 21st IEEE International Conference on Scalable Computing and Communications (ScalCom 2021) will provide a forum for researchers to present their original work on scalable parallel and distributed computing. This conference will also offer a unique opportunity to exchange ideas at the highest technical level related to communication networks, performance analysis and distributed applications with particular emphasis on scalability.


- Cloud and Fog Computing (e.g. X as a Service, where X includes backend, business process, database, infrastructure, network, platform, security, software, and storage; Performance, dependability, and service level agreements; Cloud programming models and tools; Fog computing algorithms and infrastructures)
- Extreme Scale, Multicore, GPU Accelerators and Novel Architectures for Scalability-Rethinking (e.g., Parallel programming models and tools; GPU, MIC, and FPGA based parallel systems, heterogenous platforms; Extreme scale systems and applications; Peta-scale and exa-scale workloads; High-performance and high-throughput computing; Fault-tolerance in large scale applications; Near-data processing and data-centric approaches)
- Tools for Big Data (e.g., New data analytics tools for extreme big data; Distributed architectures/parallel programming models for machine learning/Deep Learning)
- Modelling and Simulation of Large Complex Systems (e.g., Queueing theory, design and performance analysis of communication networks; Communication protocols of IoT; Distributed applications with emphasis on scalability, distributed applications deployment; Pervasive computing, distributed robotics; Convergence of communication and computing)
- Mobile, Wireless and Pervasive Computing (e.g., design and performance analysis of communication networks; Communication protocols of IoT; Distributed applications with emphasis on scalability; Pervasive computing, distributed robotics)
- Scalable Machine Learning (e.g., deploying large scale analytics)
- Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (e.g., Distributed Consensus and Fault Tolerance; Performance and Scalability Issues for Blockchain; Blockchain in cyber physical systems; Blockchain in edge and cloud computing; Blockchain-based Applications and Services; Distributed Database Technology for Blockchain)


A regular paper for the conference is limited to 8 pages, for a workshop to 6 pages. All manuscripts should be formatted in the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Format, and submitted in the Portable Document Format (.pdf). A submission can have at most 2 additional pages with the pages overlength charge if accepted.


All types of papers, including regular and workshop, are single-blind and should be submitted via the conference's EDAS system. Authors should register with the EDAS system first, and then make the submission via the conference link from which you can navigate to the conference or individual workshop. Make sure you select the right conference track or workshop for your paper.


All accepted regular and workshop papers will be published by IEEE CPS (IEEE-DL and EI indexed). Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the special issue of Journal of Supercomputing ( At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and present their work at the conference; otherwise, the paper will not be included in the proceedings. Best Paper Awards will be presented to high quality papers. Selected papers will be recommended to special issues. More details can be found via

For issues related to EDAS system, contact Submission Chairs (


- Sartaj Kumar Sahni, University of Florida, USA
- Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA

Zizhong Chen, University of California, Riverside, USA
Dingwen Tao, Washington State University, USA
Wei Zhong, University of South Carolina Upstate, USA

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