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Ontobras 2021 : 14th Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil


When Nov 16, 2021 - Nov 19, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Aug 16, 2021
Notification Due Sep 27, 2021
Final Version Due Oct 4, 2021
Categories    ontology

Call For Papers

Call for Papers – ONTOBRAS 2021
The Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (ONTOBRAS) aims to gather the community of researchers and students that investigate the topic of Ontology in the context of Computer Sciences and Information Sciences, as well as IT, industry professionals, promoting opportunities and a scientific environment for the exchange of knowledge about theories, methods, ontology engineering tools and languages and experiences in the application of ontologies in the solution of various problems.

The seminar aims to expand and strengthen the community of Ontologies in Brazil, through the exchange of experiences between researchers, students, and professionals, and by encouraging proximity between Academia and Industry, allowing cutting-edge solutions designed in these environments to influence real applications in different sectors.

Researchers and professionals are invited to submit their contributions to theoretical, technical, and practical research that directly or indirectly deal with the topics of interest presented in the list below. Papers covering philosophical and theoretical foundations to new technologies and innovative applications are welcome.

The 14th Ontology Research Seminar in Brazil (ONTOBRAS 2021) will be ONLINE and FREE to be held on November 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2021.

Submission guidelines:
Submissions must be written in PORTUGUESE, SPANISH or ENGLISH, submissions in Portuguese and Spanish must have an abstract and keywords in English. Full papers must contain a maximum of 12 pages and short papers a maximum of 6 pages (excluding references). All submissions will go through a review process by specialists in the field. All papers must be original and not submitted simultaneously to another journal or conference. The following papers categories are welcome (page limits exclude references):

Full papers (up to 12 pages): High-quality papers on a wide range of topics with a focus on consolidated research contributions in ontologies. Contributions to theoretical, technical, and practical research that deal directly or indirectly with the areas listed below or related to them maybe even more specialized. They can also be works by advanced students whose dissertations or theses are in the final stage and were not completed on the submission date, but already show substantial results.
Short papers (up to 6 pages): Papers that discuss new ideas, in the early stages of development or may report partial results of ongoing research, dissertations or thesis.
Authors should indicate in the submission the category of paper submission. Additionally, it is suggested to indicate as a footnote on the paper first page which category is defined.

Submissions must be made on EasyChair using the following URL:

All submissions must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) and must follow the template of the Brazilian Computing Society (SBC). The templates for Microsoft Office Word, Open Office, and LaTeX can be downloaded at

The files must be anonymous and the papers must not mention the respective names of the Projects and Universities (blind review).

The conference proceedings will be published in the online magazine CEUR-WS.

Awards: The ONTOBRAS Program Committee will select the best full papers to receive the award for the best ONTOBRAS 2021 paper.

Topics of interest:
Areas of particular interest to ONTOBRAS include, but are not limited to, the following:

Ontologies and Conceptual Modeling:
Ontological foundations for conceptual modeling and metamodeling
Foundational and upper ontologies
Semantic consistency
Ontology-based conceptual modeling tools and environments
Ontologies and knowledge organization:
Facet Theory and Theory of Concepts
Terminology, Folksonomies, Thesauri, Taxonomies, Metadata
Documentary languages
Discovery of knowledge and reasoning
Knowledge representation and management
Ontology governance
Ontology Engineering:
Methodologies, techniques and practices, composition and modularity
Interoperability between ontologies, integration, mapping and alignment
Ontological language interoperability
Ontology patterns and anti-patterns
Ontology evaluation and validation
Integration problems, practices and methods
Ontology Enrichment and semantic enrichment
Semi-automatic / automatic ontology building
Semantic Web:
Information retrieval
Ontology-based search
Linked open data (LOD) applications
Ontology and Natural Language Processing (NLP), computational linguistics, linguistic ontologies applied to text processing
Access, integration and exchange of data based on databases and ontologies on the Web
Knowledge graphs (construction, maintenance, reasoning) and knowledge graphs
Social and human aspects of the Semantic Web
Ontology Applications:
Ontology for e-science, life sciences, e-business, multimedia and cultural heritage
Development of domain ontologies (Education, Health, Smart Cities, Government and others)
Ontology-driven information system design
Ontology-driven business modeling
Ontology tools: construction, reasoning, evaluation
Ontologies and data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Ontology Visualization
Ontology Teaching:
Experience report
Production of teaching material

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