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BCNC 2021 : First International Workshop on No-Code, Beyond Code: No Code | |||||||||||
Link: https://2021.splashcon.org/home/bcnc-2021 | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
First International Workshop on “Beyond Code: No Code” (BCNC 2021)
https://2021.splashcon.org/home/bcnc-2021 Hosted by SPLASH 2021, Chicago, 17th-22nd October 2021 ===== Purpose ===== The First International Workshop on “Beyond Code: No Code” (BCNC 2021) targets one of the most engaging topics currently spanning the software engineering community. The No-Code movement is making its way through all industries, saving time, empowering workers, and creating new possibilities. No-Code is changing the software industry by accelerating development and opening up opportunities for less tech-savvy individuals to create life-changing products. BCNC 2021 brings together the best in the field to share their knowledge and expertise and raise that standard of what could be achieved. Industrial experts as well academics join to present the frontier and show us a glimpse of the future. ===== Scope ===== The scope of this workshop is the development and deployment of No-Code tools. This workshop is aimed at developers and software engineers, as well as, User Experience (UX) researchers. The goal of the workshop is to showcase the latest developments methods and techniques in the field of No-Code software. Papers are expected on topics including, but not limited to: • No-Code tools • Development of No-Code software • Automation using No-Code tools • User Experience (UX) research for No-Code tools • AI-assisted development • Market research, projections, and predictions • Literature reviews on No-Code • Case studies of No-Code businesses • Visions of the future of No-Code • Open Source for No-Code tools The workshop is oriented towards the practical and concrete application and development of No-Code tools. Nevertheless, theoretical research is welcome. ===== Format and Submission ===== The following kinds of papers are accepted: • Full papers: up to 10 pages, including references • Vision papers: up to 4 pages, including references • Experience reports: up to 6 pages, including references Authors are invited to submit their papers in PDF using the submission system at https://bcnc21.hotcrp.com/. Submissions should use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference acmart Format with ‘sigplan’ Subformat, 10 point font. If you are formatting your paper using LaTeX, you will need to set the 10pt option in the `\documentclass` command. Please include page numbers in your submission with the LaTeX `\settopmatter{printfolios=true}` command. ===== Organizing Committee ===== • Andrey Kuleshov, Huawei, Russia. • Anthony I. (Tony) Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, United States. • Giancarlo Succi, Innopolis University, Russia. • Letizia Jaccheri, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. • Yegor Bugayenko, Huawei, Russia. ===== Program Committee ===== • Al Chen, CODA, United States. • Andrey Kuleshov, Huawei, Russia. • Anthony I. (Tony) Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, United States. • Daniel Russo, Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University, Denmark. • Giancarlo Succi, Innopolis University, Russia. • Ivica Crnkovic, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. • Letizia Jaccheri, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. • Panos Fitsilis, University of Thessaly, Greece. • Paolo Ciancarini, University of Bologna / Innopolis University. • Petter Amlie, Amlie Solutions, Norway. • Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada. • Yegor Bugayenko, Huawei, Russia. |