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CM4DT@IC3K 2021 : Special Session on Conceptual Modeling for Digital Transformation


When Oct 25, 2021 - Oct 27, 2021
Where Online
Submission Deadline Jul 30, 2021
Notification Due Sep 8, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 17, 2021
Categories    information systems   modeling   computer science   management

Call For Papers

Special Session on Conceptual Modeling for Digital Transformation (CM4DT 2021) at the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021)


October 25 - 27, 2021 [Online Streaming]

Post-publication of selected papers: Springer CCIS and Springer Nature CS Journal

Paper Submission: July 30, 2021
Authors Notification: September 8, 2021
Camera Ready and Registration: September 17, 2021

*All dates refer to AoE time.

Digital Transformation provides multiple opportunities and challenges by embracing and relying on promising but often unfamiliar digital technologies to redesign and optimize organizational structures and processes. Conceptual Models aim to enhance the understanding and communication of structural and dynamic aspects, especially in relation to information systems. In particular, activities such as the analysis or design of business processes, problem domains or system architectures, but also simulation or strategic planning can be facilitated by applying and/or combining different types of conceptual models (e.g. UML, BPMN). In this special session, we focus on the potential of conceptual models to analyze and design the intersections and interplay between knowledge, structures and processes as well as technologies in order to address opportunities and challenges of digital transformation on operational as well as strategic levels.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following aspects of conceptual models (CM) in relation to digital transformation (DT):

* CM for knowledge management, decision-making, and strategies related to DT
* CM for modeling organizational structures and processes related to DT
* CM for modeling system architectures, infrastructures, and behavior
* CM for modeling concepts (e.g. structural or dynamic aspects) of digital technologies and application fields such as AI, machine learning, data analytics, cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things, blockchain, process automation, or virtual reality etc.
* CM for modeling interactions between humans and computers/machines/robots as well as interactions between other system stakeholders in the context of DT
* CM for modeling knowledge, skills and competencies required to or promoted by DT, including learning and training processes or frameworks
* CM for modeling domain-specific concepts of DT (e.g. E-Learning, computer games, FinTech)

The special session solicits for submissions in the following paper categories:
• Regular/Full Papers (up to 12 pages)
• Position/Short Papers (up to 8 pages)

Please find the guidelines for preparing the submissions at

Papers must be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system using the appropriate button provided at

After thorough review by the special session program committee, all accepted papers will be published in a special section of the IC3K conference proceedings book - under an ISBN reference and on digital support - and submitted for indexation by SCOPUS, Google Scholar, The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, Semantic Scholar, Microsoft Academic, Engineering Index (EI) and Conference Proceedings Citation Index.

It is planned to publish a short list of revised and extended versions of presented papers with Springer in a CCIS Series book.
Furthermore, a short list of best papers of the IC3K conference will be invited for a post-conference special issue of the Springer Nature Computer Science Journal.

Further information on the Special Session is provided at

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