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Depling 2021 : 6th International Conference on Dependency Linguistics


When Mar 21, 2022 - Mar 25, 2022
Where Sofia, Bulgaria
Submission Deadline Oct 4, 2021
Notification Due Nov 10, 2021
Final Version Due Nov 30, 2021
Categories    syntax   linguistic theories   historical linguistics   computational linguistics

Call For Papers

Final call for papers + deadline extension (Oct. 4th):

Depling 2021 will be held as a hybrid event at the SyntaxFest in Sofia, during the week of March 21-March 25, 2022. The proceedings will be published preemptively, in December 2021.

Depling is a bi-annual conference dedicated to dependency-based approaches in linguistics and natural language processing. Dependencies, directed labeled graph structures representing hierarchical relations between morphemes, words or semantic units, have now become the standard representation of syntactic resources and NLP technologies. Depling has become the central event for people discussing the linguistic significance of these structures, their theoretical and formal foundations, their processing, and their use in NLP tools.

Selected topics of interest
For this edition, we would like to put a special emphasis on two topics of interest:
- the epistemological and historical foundations of dependency linguistics (how dependency is defined, how it emerged, how it was formalized, etc.);
- relations between theoretical dependency linguistics and NLP tasks (how, e.g., syntactic models are framed to achieve specific tasks, how the results of such computational tasks modify our conceptions about linguistic modeling, etc.).

Other topics are of course welcome. Topics include but are not limited to:
* The use of dependency structures in theoretical linguistics; a.o.:
- The use of syntactic trees to model syntactic relations;
- The use of semantic, valency-based or predicate-argument graph structures;
- The use of dependency-like structures to model semantic and pragmatic phenomena related to information structure;
- The use of dependency-like structures beyond the sentence (e.g., to model discourse phenomena);
- The elaboration of formal lexicons for dependency-based syntax and semantics, including descriptions of collocations and paradigmatic relations;
- The use of dependency in the field of linguistic universals, and typology.
* Historical and epistemological foundations of dependency grammar:
- The definition of the very notion of dependency;
- The development and the use of dependency-based diagrams;
- Dependency grammar and its relation to other formalisms;
- The use of dependency-like concepts in the history of grammar and linguistics.
* The use of the dependency structures in corpus linguistics:
- Corpus annotation and development of dependency-based treebanks and other linguistic resources of written and spoken texts;
- Recent advances in dependency-based parsing, and text generation;
- Cross-lingual dependency parser evaluation, with particular emphasis on intrinsic evaluation metrics.
* The relation between dependency-based grammar and other fields of science, such as, e.g., the psycholinguistic relevance of dependency grammar.

Paper submission information
Papers should describe original work related to dependency-based linguistics. They should emphasize completed work rather than intended work, and should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results. Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance and relevance to the conference, and interest to the attendees. All the details for submission can be found on the conference page.

Important dates
06 Sep. 2021: Announcement of conference modality
27 Sep. 2021: Submission deadlines for long and short papers
01 Nov. 2021: Long and short papers reviews due
10 Nov. 2021: Acceptance notification
30 Nov. 2021: Camera-ready version
21-25th March 2022: Conference
Attendants are encouraged but not obliged to participate in the whole SyntaxFest


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