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MSA 2021 : Multivariate Statistical Analysis


When Nov 8, 2021 - Nov 10, 2021
Where Łódź, Poland
Abstract Registration Due Sep 30, 2021
Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2021
Categories    multivariate statistics   data analysis   data mining   time series

Call For Papers

Organizers and partners
The MSA conference is organized by Department of Statistical Methods, University of Lodz in partnership with:
Institute of Statistics and Demography, University of Lodz
Polish Academy of Science
Polish Statistical Association, Branch in Lodz
StatSoft Polska Sp. z o.o.

The conference has a long tradition in Łódź, it is organized annually, with this year's edition being the 39th. It is addressed to academic community: experienced researchers, young scientist and students. We also invite representatives of the private sector, statistical offices, polling organizations and other public institutions (National Bank of Poland, Central Statistical Office of Poland, COMARCH, Pfizer, StatSoft, GFK Polonia).

The objective of the conference is to bring together academics and scholars from around the world to review in detail, debate, and evaluate the most significant developments in the field of statistics. We seek to create an environment that could lead to the establishment of collaborations among universities and public institutions like the Eurostat, National Bank of Poland, Central Statistical Office of Poland as well as cooparation between academic society and private companies.

Of our interest is a broad range of topics from mathematical statistics, multivariate statistical methods to innovative applications. The MSA is also a place of presenting new computational techniques applicable in the field of statistics.

The authors participating in the Conference will be invited to publish their papers in the journals (indexed in Scopus, RePec, Econ Papers, ERIH Plus, EBSCO, CEJSH, Index Copernicus, etc.):
Statistics in Transition,
The Polish Statistician,
Econometrics. Advances in Applied Data Analysis
Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica.

Hybrid form: stationary + online
The conference will be held on November 8–10, 2021 at the Faculty of Economics and Sociology, University of Łódź, POW 3/5, Łódź, Poland. The MSA 2021 Organizing Committee encourages an active, stationary participation in the conference in Łódź. However, delegates who are unable to attend the conference due to the COVID-19 pandemic can choose "online-only" option and participate in special online sessions.

Please refer to our conference website for further details.

We kindly invite you and your Colleagues to participate in our sessions and debates.

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