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GMHC 2021 : 2021 Global Mobility Humanities Conference


When Oct 29, 2021 - Oct 30, 2021
Where Online (Seoul)
Submission Deadline Jun 14, 2021
Notification Due Jun 30, 2021
Categories    mobility   migration   sociology   geography

Call For Papers

2021 Global Mobility Humanities Conference (GMHC)
October 29-30, 2021 (Online)
Moveo, Ergo Sum: Imagination, Ethics, and Ontology of Mobilities

Call for panels and papers:
Following Global Mobility Humanities Conference (GMHC) in October 2019, the Academy of Mobility Humanities (AMH) at Konkuk University invites proposals for panels or individual papers for 2021 GMHC. This year’s GMHC will take place online on October 29-30, 2021. The mobilities studies which was initiated by John Urry and his colleagues more than a decade ago, has expanded the problematique of mobility from the social to the geographical, focusing on the issues of the movement of things and information, its technologies and infrastructures, and the network and its complexities of heterogeneous cultures. Recognizing that the phenomena of mobility today are not restricted to the physical, the mobility humanities tries to understand mobility as an essential part of human beings. From the humanities perspective, mobility is practiced physically beyond all the boundaries and we are also defined by how we move. In this sense, we would consider Imagination, Ethics and Ontology in Mobilities.
This conference presents an opportunity for scholars to share their ideas and inquiries at the intersection of mobilities studies and humanities, transcending the conventional divide between the social sciences and humanities. The conference theme, “Moveo, Ergo Sum: Imagination, Ethics, and Ontology of Mobilities,” enables scholars to engage with the mobility humanities from a variety of academic disciplines.

Topics may include but are not limited to:
1. Humanistic Perspectives on Mobility Studies: Moveo, Ergo Sum
2. Imagination of Mobilities: Text, Narrative, and Embodiment
3. Ethics of Mobilities: Ethos of High-Mobility Society
4. Ontology of Mobilities: Concepts, Values, and Rights
5. Inquiry into Materiality of Mobilities: Technologies and Infrastructures
6. Human Ecology in the Era of High-Mobility: Migration and Urban Mobility
7. Other Related Issues

We welcome submissions of individual papers and panels for this global conference.

How to submit your paper/panel proposal:
For panels supposed to be composed of more than four presenters, a completed 2021 GMHC Application Form (Panels), including a 200-word outline of the theme of the whole panel, together with 200-word abstracts of each paper and the details of each presenter and (if any) the co-authors, should be submitted via email to the Organizing Committee of 2021 GMHC by June 14, 2021:

For individual papers, a completed 2021 GMHC Application Form (Individual Papers), including a 200-word abstract of the paper, together with the details of the presenter and (if any) the co-authors, should be submitted to the Organizing Committee of 2021 GMHC by June 14, 2021:

All panel and paper submissions must be in English. Submissions in languages other than English will not be considered.

Key dates:
All submissions must be sent by email by June 14, 2021 and will receive an acknowledgement. Any submission received after the deadline will not normally be considered for presentation.
All panel and individual paper proposals will be reviewed by two members of the Organizing Committee of 2021 GMHC. We will contact you at the end of June 2021 to inform you as to whether your panel/paper has been accepted.
Please note that, by being accepted to this conference, your abstract will be automatically considered to be included in the GMHC’s conference proceedings in due course. Please email the Organizing Committee of 2021 GMHC ( with the subject heading “2021 GMHC Inquiry” if you have any questions and concerns.

Registration fee
Online registration runs from July 2021.
An early-bird fee (registration before September 1, 2021) is US$ 50. After that date, the registration fee is US$ 75.
A student discount: The early-bird fee (registration before September 1, 2021) is US$ 30. After that date, the registration fee is US$ 50. It will not be possible to register after October 1, 2021.
Registration fee will cover your access to the conference and the costs for the conference e-materials. There are no registration charges for non-presenting audience.

Please email the Organizing Committee of 2021 GMHC ( with the subject heading “2021 GMHC Inquiry” if you have any questions and concerns.

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