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AIDS in COVID-19 2021 : Special Issue on AI and Data Science in COVID-19


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2021
Categories    covid-19 modeling   AI   data science   machine learning

Call For Papers


COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 are fundamentally reshaping our life, society, economy and future, challenging sciences and technologies, and transforming health, medical, socioeconomic, and living activities and modes. COVID-19 data spreads medical institutions, mobile devices, social media and online platforms, business and operational systems, and is also related to environmental, ethnic, cultural and many other aspects.

Data Science and AI play critical roles in understanding and quantifying the SARS-CoV-2 virus, COVID-19 diseases, and their associated problems and solutions. This special issue at the International Journal of Data Science and Analytics (JDSA) aims for publishing high-quality research and innovation results in all areas related to AI and Data Science in COVID-19.


All topics related to AI and Data Science in COVID-19, including applying AI, data science, statistical and mathematical methods, and social science methods in modeling, containing and intervening COVID-19 disease, ecosystem and data challenges are welcome. Typical problems include symptom, case and infection identification, epidemic dynamics, resurgence and mutation, virus and disease diagnosis, pathology, treatment, intervention and mitigation, drug and vaccine development, psychological, sentimental and emotional influence, socioeconomic impact, and misinformation. Submissions with significant theoretical and experimental advances related but not limited to the following are welcome:

COVID-19 epidemiological modeling
COVID-19 mathematical and statistical modelling
COVID-19 machine learning and deep learning
COVID-19 medical and health analysis
COVID-19 biomedical, pathological, virological, genomic, proteomic analysis
COVID-19 drug and vaccination analysis
COVID-19 intervention and containment analysis
COVID-19 sentiment and psychological analysis
COVID-19 text and document analysis
COVID-19 influence and impact modelling
COVID-19 simulation and optimization
COVID-19 intelligent systems and services
Survey, position and vision papers are also welcome.


Submission website:

Submissions must be original, not published and not currently under review. Submissions should include a contribution statement on their significant and original contributions in the context of the state-of-the-art progress. Journal versions of previously published conference papers must include substantially new content.

Papers should be formatted in the JDSA template and submitted to JDSA at There is no page limitation. Please follow the author’s instructions of JDSA at the journal website in preparing your papers.

Important dates

Submission due by 31 August, 2021. Submissions will be reviewed when they appear in the editorial system. Accepted papers will be online published before included in the hard copies of the special issue. We expect to publish the special issue in late 2021.

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