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Philosophy and Computing 2021 : Philosophy and Computing Conference @ IS4SI – Call For Papers


When Sep 12, 2021 - Sep 19, 2021
Where Virtual
Abstract Registration Due Jun 15, 2021
Submission Deadline Sep 1, 2021
Notification Due Jun 15, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2021
Categories    philosophy of computing   ethics   AI   AGI

Call For Papers

Philosophy and Computing Conference – Call For Papers

This event is being organized by some BICA members. If you are organizing a conference let us know and we can post it like this one.

For more information contact Peter Boltuc @

Organized by Philosophers assembled over the years around the APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers and the APA Committee on Philosophy and Computers (both now discontinued) and related organizations: Association on Philosophy and Computing (APC) affiliate of the APA, which started in 2020 – the current conference is its first external activity; philosophy interest group within BICA Society (which also organizes its own conference at this IS4SI); PHAEDE (Philosophy of Engineering and Artifact in the Digital Era (within the Romanian Society for Philosophy, Engineering and Techno-ethics) with long tradition of organizing related conferences and publications; Philosophy and Science PAN (journal of the Polish Academy of Science), which will publish a whole large issue from the conference free of charge for the authors [in print and online – free access], also other organizations and groups focused on philosophical issues in our digital world.

Virtual Conference on Zoom, 12-19 September 2021 contributing to the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) administered from Japan in collaboration with Zoom administered through AGI Laboratory, USA.

There is no registration fee for the main publishing options in Philosophy and Science PAN and in Proceedings of MDPI


Peter Boltuc, University of Illinois, Springfield, USA


David J Kelley, AGI Laboratory, Seattle, USA

Mark Waser, GBA, Virginia, USA

Program Committee:

Gary Mar, Philosophy, Stony Brook

Ricardo Gudwin, Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Campinas

Viorel Guliciuc, University of Suceava, Romania (PHAEDE)

Susan Castro, Philosophy, Wichita State University

Riccardo Manzotti, Robotics and Theoretical Philosophy, University of Milan

Daniel Susser, Information Science and Technology, Penn State

Robin Hill, Computer Science and Philosophy, University of Wyoming

Sean Welsh, University of Canterbury, NZ

Krsten Zbikowski, Hibbing College, MN


Ben Goertzel, OpenCog Foundation, Hong Kong, Patternism 2021: Toward a General Philosophy & Science of Intelligent Information Processing

Jack Copeland, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, NZ, The Indeterminacy of Computation: Slutz, Shagrir, and the mind.


Artificial Inventors, Ai, Law, and Institutional Economics

Presenting Panelists: Stephen Thaler (Creativity Engines Inc.); Kate Gaundry (Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP). Commenting Panelists: Peter Boltuc (University of Illinois Springfield; Warsaw School of Economics); David Kelley (AGI Laboratory, Seattle)

INVITED CONFERENCE SPEAKERS who confirmed participation

Jun Tani, Cognitive Neurorobotics, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), Japan “Cognitive neurorobotic self in the shared world”

B. Stuart Dambrot, AGI Laboratory, NYC, NY, USA “Philosophy of AI as a general theory within AI”.

Ricardo Gudwin, Electrical Engineering, and Computing, University of Campinas, Brasil “From Signals to Knowledge and from Knowledge to Action: Peircean Semiotics and the Grounding of Cognition”.

Riccardo Manzotti University of Milan The ontology of information revisited

Susan Castro, Philosophy, Wichita State University, “Paradigms for Smart Farming: Chemical, Ecological, Algorithmic”

Mark Waser, GBA, Virginia. “AGI, Consciousness & Morality”


We research all aspects of philosophy and computing.

The topics related to philosophical issues in computing will have a special place due to the nature of the general multiplex conference.

Other main topics include:

Philosophy of AI: Philosophical issues in AI; Ethical issues in and around AI; Artificial General Intelligence; Social acceptance of AI.

Machine consciousness: Conscious-like functionalities; AI and first-person consciousness.

Ethics and Equity in the digital world: Computer ethics; fairness in algorithms; social equity in AI

You can learn more here:

To register go here:

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