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BICA*AI Conference 2021 : BICA*AI and AGI Conference @ IS4SI


When Sep 12, 2021 - Sep 19, 2021
Where Virtual
Abstract Registration Due Jun 15, 2021
Submission Deadline Sep 1, 2021
Notification Due Jun 15, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2021
Categories    AI   AGI   BICA   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

Call for Papers to Information in Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) based Systems

send abstracts and papers to

This conference contributing to the 2021 Summit of the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) is about how data and data architecture is used and implemented in theory and practice in agent-based systems using cognitive architectures that are inspired in large part by the human and animal mind. All aspects of information theory and information architecture in a Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (BICA) based system may be covered. This conference is about information theory from the BICA perspective.

Who is BICA

The Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Society for Artificial Intelligence (AI), or BICA Society, is an international nonprofit organization based in the US. The purpose of the Society is to promote and facilitate the transdisciplinary study of biologically inspired cognitive architectures (BICA), aiming at the emergence of a unifying, generally accepted framework for the design, characterization, and implementation of human-level cognitive architectures.


Abstracts should be English, sufficiently extensive to describe the content of the presented work clearly with 300-500 words or 1-2 pages. All presentations should have their abstracts or papers for presentations submitted before the deadlines listed below, including any suggestions for special presentations or panels as early as possible and must be in clear English. All accepted abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts online before the summit. Short versions of papers (ca. 5 pages) will be published with the summit proceedings in a Special Edition of MDPI Proceedings after peer review with some additional publication options that will be announced.


All presentations fit into several categories, including topical, plenary presentations, or panels on related topics. Presentation times will be 20 minutes for topical presentations and 30 minutes for plenary presentations. Discussions may be up to 45 minutes but must be worked with and approved by the organizing committee.

IMPORTANT DATES/DEADLINES: (June 15 is the date to worry about)

Expression of the intent for a presentation with the submission of a short abstract (from 5 sentences to 1 page): June 15, 2021

Expression of the intent for a session or panel organization with a tentative title: June 15, 2021

Extended Abstracts of 300-500 words or 1-2 pages should be submitted by June 15, 2021, to be published in the summit proceedings in a special issue of Proceedings MDPI. High-quality submissions are eligible to go to Cognitive Systems Research Journal.

Short versions of papers up to ca. 5 pages can be submitted by September 30, 2021, for publication in the Special Issue of MDPI Proceedings.


Application of Information Architecture in BICA based systems

How do Biologically inspired systems deal with data?

Information Theory in BICA based systems

Theoretical computer science as it applies to Information theory and architecture in BICA-based systems.

Theoretical data structures in BICA-based systems

Data processing in BICA-based systems

Theoretical computer science as it studies information processing in BICA-based systems.

Theoretical linguistics related to information processing by natural and artificial languages in BICA-based systems

Semiotics as it studies symbolic information processing in BICA-based systems.

Psychology of systems in their studies information processing by BICA-based systems

Pedagogy as it relates to information transmission and knowledge acquisition in BICA-based systems.

Application of information theory to theoretical computer science (information, computation, and networking) in BICA-based systems

Application of information theory to theoretical linguistics (information and language) in BICA-based systems

Application of information theory to decision-making (information and decision-making) in BICA-based systems

Applications of information theory in psychology (information and creativity) in BICA-based systems

Application of information theory to semiotics (information and symbols) in BICA-based systems

Application of information theory to epistemology (information and cognition) in BICA-based systems

Application of information theory to ethics (information and moral) regarding BICA-based systems

Information-oriented and information-based psychological theories in BICA-based systems

Information-oriented and information-based biological inspired theories in BICA-based systems

Information-oriented and information-based theories of decision-making in BICA-based systems

Foundations of Information Theory and information architecture in BICA-based systems

Submit all abstracts or questions to


David J Kelley, AGI Laboratory, Seattle, USA


Peter Boltuc, University of Illinois, Springfield, USA

Mark Waser, GBA, Virginia, USA

B. Stuart Dambrot, AGI Laboratory, NYC, NY, USA


Amon T Twyman, AGI Laboratory

Kyrtin A., AGI Laboratory


Pei Wang, Temple University (Plenary and Keynote):

Paul Rosenbloom, USC Institute for Creative Technologies; (Plenary)

Antonio Chella, University of Palermo

Eray Ozkural, G¨ok Us Sibernetik Ar&Ge Ltd. S¸ti.

Phil Jackson, Talamind

Amon T Twyman, AGI Laboratory


Peter Boltuc, University of Illinois, Springfield, USA (Moderator)

Roman Yampolskiy

David J Kelley,

* Others to be announced

The final date for submissions is June 15th.


IS4SI site:

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