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Ground(s) 2021 : International Conference_Ground(s). Mapping, Designing and Caring: Towards a Convivial Society


When Dec 10, 2021 - Dec 10, 2021
Where Bologna
Submission Deadline May 12, 2021
Notification Due Jun 28, 2021
Final Version Due Sep 17, 2021
Categories    architecture   design   urbanism   ground

Call For Papers

2020 has shown us that we live in a fragile and isolated society.

Now is the time to re-establish relationships towards a more convivial ground(s): we propose to participate in this movement through architecture, urban and territorial planning, and design.

Ground(s) is a rich and polysemic notion that encloses both the tangible and intangible.

Ground(s) is an essential and non-renewable component of our natural capital that does not only contribute to our basic human needs but is also a key component of our sense of belonging and heritage. The ground(s) constitutes the place where communities grow and leave their imprint. In this respect, they can also function as a medium to shape, establish and strengthen relationships.

We would like to invite you to a conversation around ground(s) building on three measures:

Mapping the ground(s) means the act of description: how can we produce knowledge that reveals the relationship between humankind and the environment?
Designing the ground(s) involves an active response to contemporary challenges: how can we imagine new rules and forms in the long-run?
Caring for the ground(s) encircles the act of prevention: a process of daily maintenance to generate a co-evolving relationship. Is it possible to strengthen (inter)dependency between the human and non-human world?

We suggest increased cooperation to go beyond borders. Let us re-establish relationships between places across disciplines and sectors. Let us join together in a co-creation process, working from the ground up to reach a convivial society.

The conference is organised by the PhD program in Architecture and Design Cultures - Department of Architecture - University of Bologna

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