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DGTi-Con 2021 : The International Conference on Digital Government Technology and Innovation 2021


When Aug 30, 2021 - Aug 31, 2021
Where Bangkok and Online
Submission Deadline Jun 1, 2021
Notification Due Jul 19, 2021
Final Version Due Aug 2, 2021
Categories    digital government   innovations & technology for p   information technology   services and welfare

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Digital Government Technology and Innovation 2021
(DGTI-Con 2021)
August 26-27, 2021 (tentative),
Bangkok, Thailand (Online)

Important Dates (Tentative)
Paper Submission June 1, 2021
Acceptance Notification July 19, 2021
Camera-Ready August 2, 2021
Conference Dates August 26-27, 2021

The International Conference on Government Technology and Innovation aims to facilitate technology and knowledge exchange international researchers/scholars related to the new forms of governance and citizen roles in the inter-connected digital environment, as well as the governance of new technologies, including governance of automation, sensor devices, robot behavior, artificial intelligence, and big data. It appeals to a wider audience of research and practice communities with novel insights, disruptive design ideas, technical solutions, scientific and empirical knowledge, and a deep understanding of digital impact in the public sector. The goal is to provide an international stage for researchers, practitioners, and users to discuss cutting-edge research and concepts designed to navigate and balance the competing demands of transparency and cybersecurity, innovation and accountability, and collaboration and privacy. It covers computational, technical, social scientific, behavioral, analytical, theoretical, and integrative approaches. Topics of interest include the following but not limited to:

Innovations in Government
Big data analytics for e-Governance
Blockchain in Government
Citizen participation
Collective intelligence, decision making and Innovations
Connected Society and Governance
Crowd Law
Crowdsourcing and Open Innovation
Expert systems and expert networking
Intelligent Systems, AI, Machine Learning and Robotics in government
IT Standards and guidelines
Open data—infrastructures, strategies, and governance
Open government
Nudges and RCTs
Policy analytics and innovations
Sensors, IoT, Cloud in government
Social media in government

Smart Education
Technology and legitimacy
Alternative models to representative and direct democracy
Digital citizenship, Digital Identify
Digital divide, digital literacy
Participatory government
Public and group behavior monitoring, modeling and analytics
Security, privacy, and trust
Surveillance in government

Services and Welfare
Cyber policy standards and guidelines
Disaster and Emergency management
Environmental monitoring and planning
E-Election, E-Voting
Emergency Response and Management
Food Security
Government IT contracting and acquisition
Homeland security
Public safety
Smart agriculture
Smart cities and smart infrastructure
Smart health, e-health, health policy making
Smart Transportation

Strategies and organizational issues
Cloud, mobile and social computing strategies
Compliance, accountability in government
Evidence-based policymaking, E-Governance
Digital workforce and capacity building
Information and service sharing among government agencies
Knowledge capturing, reuse and management
Private, public partnership
Public service provisions and value creation
Systems design, acquisition and IT adoption strategies
Transformations and innovations in public sector
Ethical governance

Paper Submission
All submitted papers must be original contributions that neither have been submitted to any other conference or journal, nor will be submitted to any other conference or journal during the review process. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the DGTI-Con 2021 Conference Proceedings and is in a proposal stage to be published in the IEEE Xplore. Papers can be either regular or short papers, where regular papers are limited to 8 pages and short ones to 4 pages. All papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format only, using the conference management tool. The submitted papers must not be published or under consideration to be published elsewhere.
Paper submission link:

Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Supot Tiarawut
(Digital Government Development Agency, Thailand)
Choong-Sik Chung
(Kyungsung University, Korea)

Program Chairs
Thanaruk Theeramunkong
(Thammasat University, Thailand)

Advisory Committee
Monsak Socharoentum
(Digital Government Development Agency, Thailand)
Chaoyang Li
(Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
Akimitsu Hatta
(Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
Sanghyuk Lee
(Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China)

Workshop Chairs
Jeerana Noymanee
(Digital Government Development Agency, Thailand)
(Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
Alexandra Klimova (ITMO University, Russia)

Local/Virtual Organizing Chairs
Nattagit Jiteurtragool
(Digital Government Development Agency, Thailand)
Jirayu Samkunta
(Digital Government Development Agency, Thailand)

More information
For any question, please send your email to:

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