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A4LA-FTISND 2021 : Agriculture 4.0 in Latin America - Fostering Technological Innovation and Sustainability for the Next Decade


When Feb 15, 2021 - Feb 20, 2022
Where Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract Registration Due Sep 30, 2021
Submission Deadline Nov 30, 2021
Notification Due Dec 13, 2021
Final Version Due Jan 31, 2022
Categories    agriculture 4.0   smart design   agribusiness   sustainable development

Call For Papers

#Agriculture4 #Agribusiness #InternetofThings #Sustainability #RemoteSensing #DisasterMitigation #ProductionEngineering #CyberPhysicalSystems #SmartDesigns #Blockchain #DigitalTwins #Farming #VerticalFarm #Environment #Sustainability #SustainableDevelopment #UNSustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDG1 #SDG2 #SDG3 #SDG4 #SDG5 #SDG6 #SDG7 #SDG8 #SDG9 #SDG10 #SDG11 #SDG12 #SDG13 #SDG14 #SDG15 #SDG16 #SDG17 #PovertyAlleviation #FoodForAll #PostPandemic #PostPandemicLife #EconomicRecuperation #RuralCommunities #FoodInUrbanAreas #SmartCities #SmartCommunities #Healthcare #DigitalInclusion #eGovernance #BiomedicalEngineering #WasteTreatment #AlternativeEnergies #RenewableEnergy


Agriculture 4.0 in Latin America - Fostering Technological Innovation and Sustainability for the Next Decade

Keywords: Agriculture 4.0, Internet of Things, Sustainability, Remote Sensing, Disaster Mitigation, Production Engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Designs, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Farming.

Vania V. Estrela: Federal Fluminense University, RJ, Brazil
Henrique R. M. da Hora
Rogerio Atem de Carvalho
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense, Innovation Hub, RJ, Brazil

The world faces a tremendous challenge: producing more food while also taking care of the environment. Sustainable agriculture entails the establishment of strategic partnerships, technological innovation, new ways to treat old problems, and assimilation of solutions from other knowledge areas such as healthcare and governance. These actions and activities can mitigate several issues while reaching out to more farmers and the communities to which they belong.
Agriculture 4.0 describes significant trends facing agribusiness, including a greater focus on precision agriculture, the internet of things (IoT), and big data to drive greater business efficiencies in the face of rising populations climate change. Given the pandemic and previous problems in Latin America (LA), the amount of undernourished will increase considerably in the next 10 years. Since very little innovation has taken place in LA to address food scarcity and hunger.
Meeting these challenges will require a combined effort by governments, investors, and R&D innovations. Agriculture 4.0 will no longer depend on applying water, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields. Instead, farmers will use the minimum quantities required and target particular areas. Future farms, agricultural arrangements, agribusiness operations will be very different. These paradigm changes are primarily due to the advancements in technology, e.g., sensors, actuators, devices, software packages, robots, aerial images, mapping areas, GPS usage, cloud computing, assessing the stage/vigor of crops, probing of phytosanitary problems, and impacts due to drought/hail, crop planning, fertilizer spraying, and pesticides application. These advanced frameworks for precision agriculture must integrate robotic systems and human beings in a harmonious way to allow farms to be more profitable, efficient, safe, humane, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.
Multidisciplinary organizations can work together to propose, deploy, and validate cutting edge agricultural technologies. Hence, LA will better assimilate digital and precision agriculture. Among the anticipated ameliorations, one can cite (i) training in sustainable practices, (ii) decrease environmental residues, (iii) drive seed improvement, and (iv) other initiatives. They will encourage sustainable food production, develop communities, and democratize access to knowledge, focusing on efficient natural resource management. The book focuses on Agriculture 4.0 to foster a sound and steady development within the next decade.

To help the agriculture sector meet the future demands: demographics, scarcity of natural resources, climate change, and food waste.
To implement actions to increase farmers' productivity sustainably and to protect and guarantee food security in Latin America.
To increase productivity and support the shift towards innovation, sustainable practices, and a knowledge-based economy.
To use Remote Sensing, Social Media, and local knowledge to solve local and global problems.
To gather studies about relevant methods and analyses to motivate healthcare professionals, biomedical engineers, pharmaceutics/bioinformatics specialists, agronomic engineers, and other researchers to execute, design, and analyze data with higher performance to solve local and global problems.
To devise technologies for crop protection and seed improvement.
To produce differently using new approaches.
To utilize novel technologies to bring food production to consumers increasing efficiencies in the food chain.
To amalgamate cross-, inter-, trans- and multidisciplinary knowledge, cross-industry technologies, and agrarian-related applications.

Submission Schedule

One-page abstract submission: September 30, 2021
Manuscript submission due: November 30, 2021
Review notification: December 13, 2021
Revised paper submission: January 15, 2021
Acceptance/Rejection notification: January 31, 2022
Camera-Ready Submission: February 20, 2022

Submission Guidelines:
Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of this book. All texts must have a docx and a pdf file according to Springer guidelines.
All submitted papers will be evaluated based on relevance, the significance of contribution, technical quality, and quality of presentation, by at least three independent reviewers.


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