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DCOSS - Posters and Demos 2021 : International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems 2021 - Posters and Demos


When Jul 14, 2021 - Jul 16, 2021
Submission Deadline May 21, 2021
Notification Due Jun 11, 2021
Final Version Due Jun 18, 2021
Categories    distributed computing   sensors   IOT

Call For Papers

DCOSS 2021 will feature a poster session and a demo session that provide opportunities for researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to interact with and explore the latest research results. The presentations will provide authors with early feedback on their research work and enable them to exchange ideas with DCOSS participants. Besides presentations in the respective poster and demo sessions, DCOSS will host a dedicated session where poster and demo authors will give a short oral presentation of their work, during the main conference program. Also, a best poster/demo award will be announced.
Posters and demos should present recent original results or ongoing research in all aspects of sensor networks, including algorithms, protocols, systems and applications. All submissions will be reviewed and judged based on originality, technical contribution and, particularly, potential to generate interesting and interactive exchanges of ideas. Poster and Demo abstracts will be included in the Conference Proceedings (same volume with main event papers).
Accepted posters/demos must be presented at the Conference and at least one author for each poster/demo must be registered for the conference.
Requirements for Posters:
Poster dimension: A1 (594 x 841 mm) vertically oriented.
Poster paper: Poster papers will be included in the Proceedings of the Conference and submitted to the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Each poster paper is limited to three (3) pages. Please use the US letter size (8.5 X 11 in) standard IEEE conference LaTeX format or Microsoft Word template available on the link below:
Authors should highlight the leading ideas of the on-going research and its expected outcome and impact. Poster papers should present a summary of the research work and ideas that will be presented during the poster session and the oral presentation.
Requirements for Demos:
Demo presentation: Research prototypes and testbeds are welcomed. The authors will be allowed to display one A1 (594 x 841 mm) vertically oriented poster explaining the demonstration or/and will be provided with space to showcase their demos on their laptops/tablets, if they wish.
Demo abstract: Demonstration abstracts are limited to 3 pages. Please use the US letter size (8.5 X 11 in) standard IEEE conference LaTeX format or Microsoft Word template available on the link below:
All accepted abstracts will appear in the proceedings. Demonstration abstracts should include a description of the demonstration activity. For the demo instructions, including any special requirements such as space or dedicated frequency channels, please append an extra (4th) page to your submitted document, that will not be published.
Oral presentation for Posters and Demos:
All accepted posters and demos will be allocated three (3) minutes for oral presentation during a dedicated poster and demo session. This will be part of the main conference. All attending authors for posters and demos should prepare a small presentation (2-4 slides) and send it to the session chair (Thomas Lagkas: by May 15th, with subject: “DCOSS2021 (Poster or Demo) Oral Presentation”. The presentation should be in pdf format.
Submission Instructions:
Poster papers and demo abstracts should be submitted through with the indication (POSTER) or (DEMO) in front of the Title:
Important Dates:
• Poster/Demo submission deadline: May 21, 2021
• Notification of acceptance: June 11, 2021
• Camera ready abstracts due: June 18, 2021
Posters and Demos Chair:
Thomas Lagkas (International Hellenic University, Greece):
Roger Chamberlain (Washington University in St. Louis, USA):

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