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ISSRE 2021 : The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Call For Workshop


When Oct 25, 2021 - Oct 28, 2021
Where Wuhan, China and virtual
Submission Deadline May 8, 2021
Notification Due Aug 21, 2021
Final Version Due Aug 28, 2021
Categories    reliability   software engineering   security   safety

Call For Papers


===== The 32nd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE 2021) =====

====== October Oct 25-28, 2021 - - - - -Wuhan, China and virtual - - - - - ======


== Objective ==

ISSRE strives to be a conference that appeals to both researchers and practitioners. To that end, we invite proposals for workshops to co-locate with the Symposium and provide additional opportunities for collaborating and exchanging information. The workshops aim at discussing research developments and challenges at an early stage.  ISSRE welcomes workshops that explore new ways to provide and assess software reliability, safety, and security.  We also seek workshops that deal with the provision of reliable, safe, and secure software and systems in fast-growing, transformative application domains. Appropriately defined workshop proposals have the following characteristics:
* They offer researchers a forum to exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas at an early stage before maturation that would warrant conference or journal publication;
* They attract practitioners and researchers to working sessions to discuss and make progress toward solutions to current and future problems in engineering high assurance software and systems;
* They focus on collaborative discussions and information sharing between researchers and industry practitioners.


== Recurring Workshops ==  

Workshops affiliated with ISSRE in previous years are pre-approved. Their organizers do not need to submit a new workshop proposal.  Their organizers are kindly asked to inform the workshop chairs about returning the workshop to ISSRE in 2021.

== Topics of Interest ==

Topics of interest include development, analysis methods and models throughout the software development lifecycle, and are not limited to:

* Primary dependability attributes (i.e., security, safety, maintainability) impacting software reliability
* Secondary dependability attributes (i.e., survivability, resilience, robustness) impacting software reliability
* Reliability threats, i.e. faults (defects, bugs, etc.), errors, failures
* Reliability means (fault prevention, fault removal, fault tolerance, fault forecasting)
* Metrics, measurements and threat estimation for reliability prediction and the interplay with safety/security
* Reliability of software services
* Reliability of open source software
* Reliability of Software as a Service (SaaS)
* Reliability of software dealing with Big Data
* Reliability of model-based and auto-generated software
* Reliability of software in artificial intelligence based software systems
* Reliability of software within specific types of systems (e.g., autonomous and adaptive, green and sustainable, mobile systems)
* Reliability of software within specific technological spaces (e.g., Internet of Things, Cloud, Semantic Web/Web 3.0, Virtualization, Blockchain)
* Normative/regulatory/ethical spaces pertaining to software reliability
* Societal aspects of software reliability

== Proposal Format ==

Proposals should include information about the proposed organizing committee and address the following questions:
* Workshop length: Half day or one full day
* Workshop style: papers, panels, posters, workgroups
* Outline of themes and goals of the workshop
* How will you solicit participation (call for workshop papers, invitation only, etc.)
* Desired/estimated number of participants
* Organizing committee members and their past experience

== Proposal Evaluation ==
Workshop proposals will be evaluated by the ISSRE 2021 Organizing Committee.  The criteria include the alignment with ISSRE charter, relevance to the larger ISSRE community, and the strength and experience of the organizing team.

== Important dates ==

* Workshop proposal deadline(Extended):May 8th, 2021

(Workshop proposal update deadline May 15th)

* Workshop proposal notification(Extended):May 22nd, 2021

* Workshop paper submission deadline:August 3rd, 2021 

(NOTE: This date is only indicative - please refer to individual workshop webpages for information about deadlines.)

* Workshop paper notification to authors:August 21st, 2021

* Camera ready papers:August 28th, 2021

== Submission Guidelines ==

Submit the workshop proposal in PDF format, via e-mail to both Workshop Co-chairs (Subject: ISSRE 2021 – Workshop Proposal):

Fumio Machida (
Tsukuba University
Xin Peng (
Fudan University
Enrico Vicario (
University of Florence

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