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ICON-BITS 2021 : International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Strategies


When Jul 29, 2021 - Jul 31, 2021
Where Rajasthan, India
Submission Deadline May 31, 2021
Notification Due Jun 21, 2021
Final Version Due Jul 5, 2021
Categories    education   technology   social sciences   cognitive science

Call For Papers

The rapid technological innovations have changed the world at a pace faster than many of us could imagine. On one hand easy access to information has created better learning opportunities, and on the other hand it has made attracting students’ attention in a conventional classroom more difficult. To add to this, the recent pandemic caused by COVID-19 has suddenly forced the educational institutes to conduct the academic activities online. This has demanded rapid adaptation to the new normal in the academic community. While many teachers find it difficult to teach in a virtual environment, students also complain of added physical and psychological stress. The effectiveness of teaching learning and assessment activities and their long term effect requires a serious academic and intellectual and debate. Keeping this in view, the Teaching Learning Centre (TLC) of BITS Pilani, Pilani campus is organizing an International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Strategies (ICON-BITS 2021).

The ICON-BITS 2021 will provide a platform to all the academicians, researchers, policymakers, administrators, technocrats and developers who are actively engaged in the field of education technology to exchange and share their experiences, research results, innovative ideas and discuss the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted.

Topics to be discussed include, but are not limited to
-Innovative Pedagogical Practices
-Innovative Technology for Effective Learning
-Education Policy and Administration
-Cognitive Sciences in Education
-Pandemic-driven Educational Research
-Education and Industry Linkages
-New Technologies and Education

Please submit your abstracts not exceeding 300 words through Easychair at by 31 May 2021.

For more information, please visit

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