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ICSP 2022 : 7th International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology


When Mar 13, 2022 - Mar 15, 2022
Where Bangkok, Thailand
Abstract Registration Due Jan 15, 2022
Submission Deadline Feb 10, 2022
Final Version Due Feb 10, 2022
Categories    religion   psychology   cognitive science   social sciences

Call For Papers

International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology [ICSP] is one of a kind platform for global stakeholders to gather, network and discuss topics related to human spirituality, psychology and mental health. ICSP offers a unique, culturally and professionally diverse environment, carefully designed to foster personal and professional growth.

This international conference on spirituality and psychology will gather scholars, professionals, policy makers and others interested in the themes. ICSP is open to any and all gender, religion, race and beliefs, as our diversity in perspective is what helps broaden our knowledge, understanding and actions on the subject at hand.
Whether you are looking for a place to:

SHARE: Present your research, share your experience or raise awareness of your work and get valuable feedback from the international community of scholars, professionals and policy makers,
LEARN: From leading experts in the fields of spirituality, psychology, mental health and holistic wellbeing or
NETWORK: Meet colleagues and likeminded people from around the world, make new friends and find collaborators for your projects,

​7th International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology [ICSP2022] is the right place for you! ​

7th International Conference on Spirituality and Psychology [ICSP2022] accepts the following types of submissions:

Research papers: Completed research papers in any of the topic areas listed bellow or related areas;
Abstracts: Abstracts of completed or proposed research in any of the topic areas listed bellow, or related areas. The abstract for proposed research should include the research objectives, proposed methodology, and a discussion of expected outcomes;
Student papers: Research done by students in any of the topic areas listed bellow, or related areas;
Case studies: Case studies in any of the topic areas listed bellow, or related areas;
Work-in-progress reports or proposals for future research: Incomplete research or ideas for future research in order to generate discussion and feedback in any of related areas;
Reports on issues related to the conference topics: Reports related to innovative techniques or research related to any of the topic areas listed bellow or related areas;
Panel discussions: Proposals for panelists and themed panel discussions related to the conference topics.

Proposals are accepted on a rolling admission basis as long as space is available or by January 15th 2022 at latest and are to be be submitted along with application form. All submissions will be peer reviewed and acceptance/rejections is based on their relevance to the conference topics, as well as professional and personal background of the applicant, in order to ensure a dynamic and diverse learning environment. Admission decisions are made on a rolling admission basis, within 7 days after the application has been submitted. Admission may close earlier than the date stated above if space in the conference fills up.

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